Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 77
Book Review
to break their fast with. The house sure I would write a book in his reality.
is a six room bungalow, and I passed honor. But as you can see, I did not Excerpt from the Foreword:
him and went into my room to drop turn out to be a lawyer or a member “Samuel has used Noah and Lot’s stories
the books I had in my hand. of parliament of any nation, but to point the reader to global events, making
something better. the case that the spiritual reality is also
After dropping them, I came out to intertwined with world realities. This is
go open the back door and let my It has been almost twenty-eight powerful. Sometimes there is a big gap
friends, who were in the garden, into years since I made that promise, and in the minds of many, one that divides
the house. It was then I noticed my I am glad and grateful that I have between spiritual realities in one corner,
dad standing right at the door that fulfilled it. and world realities in the other; but he has
was still slightly open. He could not bridged the gap in this book. Therefore,
move, and I could see that he was in About the book the reader is living in the spirit, and is also
some kind of pain. He beckoned me Contrary to what the globalists and aware of what is going on around him. He
to come closer. I went to him, not those who are pro Anti-Christ think, has also brought in the day-to-day issues
understanding what was going on, or are planning, The Great Reset is of business, and marriage that affect the
and then he fell onto me. I held him a tool in the hand of God to bring normal lives of everyone and has thereby
on the floor, still not sure of what things and global events forward. made the Bible such a reality.
the issue was. He started foaming The question now is, are you ready He has also taken a strong conservative
from the mouth or something like. I for a changing world? Are you ready stand on Biblical ethics, and this is mind
called out to my friends who rushed for the days of Noah and Lot? blowing. I use the word conservative be-
in, raised an alarm of what was The days of Noah and Lot are like cause he does not compromise the Bible at
going on and then the church mem- every other day in our human exis- all, he has let the Bible speak. This is in
bers also came. They tried to revive tence. However, because the words contrast to the new trends of a distorted,
him, even as someone went to get a and realities around those days were warped and accommodative approach to
vehicle to take him to the hospital. tied to the transitioning of the First doing theology, which has ended up compro-
Since those was not the days of mo- World to the Second, and also to mising God’s Word to please this rebellious
bile phones and there was no am- how they mirror the coming transi- generation. He does not mince his words;
bulance in that town, things delayed tion from this Second World to the he says it as it is. Take it or leave it. This
a bit. But a taxi came and some of Third, it becomes very important is so creative; this is so powerful. He takes
the church members took him to for every man to know and under- a conservative approach to contemporary
the hospital in another town some stand what the coming days are issues that are attacking Christian ethics,
kilometers away. I could not go with going to be like. The Bible calls that for example, he does not shy away from
them since I was the only one in the much-anticipated epoch, the days of speaking his terms concerning same-sex
house. My immediate elder brother the Son of Man, and characterizes relations. I like that. Nowadays, people
was still in school writing his exams, them by the activities of the people: want to pamper people, and say that
and my mum was a teacher in an- • They were eating and drinking; certain things are okay, but the Bible is the
other town. And because up till that • They were marrying and giving in Bible, let the Bible speak. I am sure that
day I had never experienced some- marriage; there is still a remnant who are conserva-
one dying, the whole event was just • They were buying and selling; tive regarding what the Bible is talking
like some story in my head. Later • They were building; about, that is good. Whether people want
that day, news came that he passed • They were planting; to accommodate the divergent views in the
in the hospital. Somehow, though, I • They were grinding; and world, if they are against the Bible, he has
knew he already passed while I was • Homosexuality was on the in- not been shy of saying, “No. I stand with
holding him, before he was taken to crease. the Bible.”
the hospital. In other words, men will be having Rev Dr Simon J. Oriedo -
fun till the “flood of this Second A Priest to the Anglican Church of
I remember it was when the news World” will come and take them all Kenya
came of his passing that I made away.
the promise that my first book was This book provides necessary To order the book (physical copies only),
going to be dedicated to him. My insight into what the next transition please use the contacts below:
friends and I had always wanted to will look like, the mindset needed
be lawyers and parliamentarians. I by the Overcomers and how they +254 738 489 470 (calls, sms and
guess that’s one the reasons I was can prepare in the midst of today’s telegram)