Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 39
oncerning Africa as a reason. For within those fourteen faithfuls seated by you, bow
Shofar in the hand of hours of our stay at the airport, I towards the churches in worship.
God, Ethiopia is the had enough time to pray for the I loved their faithfulness but at
land of the New Dawn nation of Kenya and Afrika as a the same, I wasn’t sure what
Cof Spirit. She is the whole. I certainly didn’t like what manner of worship that was. I
first daughter of God. happened at that airport, but I had later found out that the religion
“The miracle of a new dawn is to allow forgiveness in my heart for the Ethiopians practice majorly is
not only found in the reality of the the way my wife and I were treated known as Orthodox, which is quite
start of a new day alone, but also at the airport, in order to be able to different from the Christianity or
in the majestic beauty, shades pray for Kenya that day. Anyway, Pentecostalism that I had known.
of color, the cool breeze, happy we got to Bole International Airport This again was new for me and at
chirping birds of the morning and in Addis Ababa at about 1:30 am or the same time, an eye-opener. In
every other thing that comes with thereabouts and were met by the the midst of all these new religious
a new day. That which is folding most helpful immigration officer activities and rites and the way
and passing away often goes with I have ever encountered, apart, they were done, I knew something
the night and that which has been maybe, for Ugandan Immigration was not in place. Something was
kept secret in the night hour often officers. Ugandan Immigration strangely missing. I could not but
bursts forth with the emergence officers are the best I have met so wonder about what happened to
of a new dawn. This is the beauty far. Beautiful and sweet mannered the move of the Spirit that came
and majesty of Ethiopia, the land guys, true Afrikans indeed. I bless with the Ethiopian Eunuch who
of the new dawn of Spirit” These them. Since the queue was very had an encounter with Phillip the
are the words I received of the short that morning and because evangelist. (See Acts 8:26-39)
Lord concerning Ethiopia in early the immigration officer was (Note that this is more spiritual
2019. very helpful, we were done with than it is geographical).
immigration in minutes. For it was clear to me that there
Capture the Spirit is a deep-seated spirit of religion
Sometime in December of 2018, We stepped out of the airport and and the worship of ancient relics
my wife and I made a trip to Addis met this taxi operator called Dawit over the land, which seems not to
Ababa, Ethiopia. It certainly was (David). The name instantly made have anything to do with the Holy
a most loving trip for both of us. me know something good was up Spirit or the move of God. Permit
A few days to leaving Nairobi, I from God. Right from the airport me to however say that, even in
was asking the Lord about the trip and as we rode in a bus taxi to the midst of these religious acts
to Addis Ababa. He showed me our lodge, I could instantly tell that I saw everywhere I went, I could
these words “Capture the spirit of there is something beautiful about see the sincerity and loyalty by
Afrika”. I didn’t quite understand Ethiopia. And coupled with what which they performed such rites.
the meaning of what He said. In God had been saying to me about I personally believe this state of
that moment, I had thought it had Ethiopia, I had full expectations. loyalty is key to why God would
something to do with the Ethiopian decide to make Ethiopia the seat
Airlines tagline which says “The Ethiopia of the new dawn of Spirit and
spirit of Africa”. But the Lord went The first two days were spent truth worship, especially when the
further to say that, Ethiopian normally. Well, normally for me hearts of the people have not been
airlines is not the spirit of Afrika, includes going out for morning and corrupted by the works and luxury
that He, God, is the Spirit of Afrika. evening meditations and prayer of Babylon which has practically
I kept these words in my heart even walks. Addis is quite a lot colder taken over the Pentecostal church
as we made the trip to Addis. I must than Nairobi due to its higher system through idolatry and
say that trip to Addis was one of the altitude, and I loved it very much. money worship.
most challenging trips my wife and Walking around the streets of Addis
I had made together. It was like a within the first two days, I instantly
battle from the very beginning. We noticed something unusual about The Dream
were delayed unnecessarily by the spiritual aspirations of the On our third night in Addis, my
the immigration officers at Jomo people. I was surprised to see wife had this dream that became a
Kenyatta International Airport, people on the street bowing down very strong connecting strand for
which made us miss our flight that in worship or praying towards their all that God had been saying to me
early morning. We had to wait churches and worship sites. I had about His love for Ethiopia. She
for another fourteen hours at the never seen that anywhere before, had a dream that spoke of a child
airport for another flight scheduled especially among Christians. of one of our family members. A
for almost midnight. It was horrible, Even in the public buses or taxis, three year old girl called Dawn
but God knew the battle was for a as you pass a temple, you see and whom we love dearly. She