Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 41

hailed us on the street, calling and   please keep this one. Please
        welcoming us as Afrikans to come     keep this one  in  Yourself”,  then
        have tea with them. That too got     of a truth, God is up to something
        my  attention because I  thought     with Ethiopia.  And concerning
        they  too  are Afrikans. Anyway,     the tabernacle of David that is
        they are  Afrikans but somehow       to be re-established,  it is not a   For questions, opinions,  further
        have  lived  in a bit of seclusion   physical building like of  old, it  is   thoughts  concerning this article,
        from  the  rest  of Afrika for  a very   the showing forth of the corporate   please  use  the    comments
        long time. I want to believe  God    sons of God who are  led by the      section in our  website:  www.
        has somehow by wisdom used the       Spirit. These are those who follow
        sense of “seclusion” and loyalty to   the Lamb wherever He goes. See      or send your thoughts to wehearyou@
        religion to keep Ethiopia safe from   Revelation  14:1-5. Corporately,
        the many things that plagues other   they are the Tabernacle  of David
        nations. Even though Ethiopia is     re-established  by the Spirit and    We will be glad to hear from you. God
        one of the oldest civilizations  on   their heart is His throne. They live   bless you.
        earth, but like a child with a huge   on mount Zion, the city of the great
        destiny, she has been  hidden        King.
        by God (her Parent) from the                                              Quick facts about Ethiopia
        corruption of the “streets” awaiting   I believe so much in that which
        the time of manifestation.           God is about to do in Ethiopia and   -Ethiopia was occupied briefly
                                             by extension, in Afrika and in the   by the Italians, but was never
        The purpose of the New Dawn          world.  Every nation  in Afrika just   colonized.
                                             needs to remove the veil of pride    -At 2,400 metres above sea level,
        I do not believe this is complex and   from their faces, seek the face of   Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa is
        neither do I think it I need to explain   God to know what their purpose
        much about it, other than the fact   in God is for these last days. For   Afrika’s highest capital city.
        that when God makes a choice in      scripture  says “Envoys will come    -It is said to be the location of
        a people and when the right time     out of Egypt: Ethiopia will quickly   the Ark of the Covenant.
        has come, He, God brings all         lift up her hands to God.” Psalm     -Coffee was discovered in
        things  together for the revealing   68:31. True Spirit worship will arise   Ethiopia.
        of that which was hidden. And like   out of Ethiopia in ways never seen   -Its calendar has 13 months and
        every other dispensations of  the    before. Zephaniah 3:9-10.            is 7.5 years ‘behind’ the Greorian
        move of God on earth, the reason     For God has been looking for those   Calendar.
        always remains  the same.  That      who will worship Him in Spirit and   -It is the host of the African
        is, to reveal  God and His Christ    in truth and the hour as come.       Union Headquarters and other
        afresh on earth.  But  in this case                                       international organizations.
        specifically, it is the announcement   God bless Ethiopia and God bless
        of the establishment  of the         Afrika.                              -With a population of about 90
        tabernacle  of David  and  also  the                                      million in 2015,  Ethiopia has
        announcement   of  the  coming of                                         the second largest population in
        Christ the King who will sit  upon                                        Afrika, after Nigeria.
        the throne of His father David. See                                       -Ethiopia by God’s grace is the
        Luke 1:32, Acts 16:5, Amos 9:11                                           New Dawn of Spirit of worship.
        and Isaiah 16:5.

        This is the generation of those that
        will carry the full manifestation of
        God on earth and the choice of
        where  it begins is always God’s
        to make. Note this, that it is a
        new dawn of Spirit of true worship
        for Ethiopia  doesn’t negate the
        plan  that Kenya is still the land
        of the manifestation of Spirit.
        Same move of the Spirit, different
        aspects. Permit me to say this, if
        the prayers I found myself praying
        over Dawn by the Spirit was “Lord,
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