Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 45


                I’m   Coming   Home

                                                                                     Samuel Phillips

        There are lots of things in the mind  rather unusual He would  use that  of issues facing  Afrika in our
        of  God  for  the  world and the  age  song, but  He did anyway and I  am  publications, and how best to resolve
        that we are in right now. So many  grateful for the clarity of the message  them, however, our core purpose at
        intentions in His heart that He wants  of the song.  The words of the song  Msingi Afrika Magazine is not to make
        to accomplish  in our day. Of things  are these: “I’m coming  home, I’m  Afrikans or the nations in Afrika know
        that were written from before the  Coming  home, tell  the world  I’m  how to do business better in order
        foundation of the world and of things  coming home”...I have written a more  to make more money  or grow the
        prophesied by saints and prophets of  detailed  article about this message  economy (money, its acquisition and
        old in scriptures. However the grand  before on my blog site. You can check  the economy of  the world   have no
        purpose or intention of  God  among  out the  article  with this link: https://  eternal  value whatsoever)  neither is
        all others, is the return of Jesus the  it set up to show Afrikan people how
        King of kings, who will sit  upon the  natural-disasters-evil-or-the-fathers-  to be better Afrikans (the only Afrikans
        throne  of David His father and  rule  love-calling/                    we need to be, are the ones who live
        the earth from mount Zion, from the                                     the life that pleases God and who
        tabernacle of His sons and daughters.  On the strength of these  words  that  have value for true brotherhood), but
        This prophecy cannot fail, for it is the  God gave me about the coming of  to show men how to become  those
        grand expression of the final mystery  the King, I say this; do not think life  people with whom God will find rest.
        of God on earth concerning mankind,  on earth will continue the way it has  For the corporate son of God is the
        in which God will dwell with His people  always been after now. Do not think  tabernacle  of David that will be re-
        in the new earth.                   your life will continue the  same way  established  and the throne of  David
        So this is not just a call to those who  it as always been, whether you know  which the Lord will sit, is their hearts
        do not believe in Christ to repent of  God or not.                      which have been presented as living
        their sins and be born again, it is the  Have it  clearly in your mind that  sacrifices.  Our  mandate,  which  is  to
        call  also  for believers  to come into  whatever it is you have known, seen,  heal, restore and rebirth Afrika and the
        the place of understanding of what it  thought or had hoped in this world will  earth is not so much about the healing
        really means for Jesus to come again  be altered at the coming of this King  of  the body,  mind or even spirit, but
        and what their preparation must be, in  who will rule the nations with a rod of  much more about realigning all things
        line with His coming. The kingdom of  iron (Righteousness and Justice).  back to God by His Spirit, so that God
        God doesn’t come with signs of “He                                      will be all in all with creation. This is
        is here” or “He is there” like the Lord  Home is where God is           true healing and restoration.
        Himself said, or like the noise of the  Home  is wherever God is. Simple.
        supposed escapist rapture that we  That the Lord is coming home simply  This announcement  is simple  and
        were taught in church. This call is to  means, He God in His mercy and  clear for  him who will think things
        reach out to the world (Both believers  grace  has planned  for earth to both  through.  The Lord is coming home
        in Christ  or nonbelievers)  about the  be home for His presence and for His  and home is where God chooses to
        coming King and how He in His mercy  people.  For scripture speaks of the  dwell  or with whom He chooses  to
        has designated  this earth to be His  New Jerusalem coming from heaven  live. The question is, when the Lord
        home for the next dispensation of the  to earth and in which God will dwell  comes, will you be ready as a home
        New Earth.                          among His people. (See Revelation  upon which He will rest  and within
                                            20)                                 which He will dwell? Think about it.
        The announcement
        The Lord showed me a dream a while  What we stand for                   Think about it.
        ago and also gave me a message  Yes we try to tackle a wide  range
        through the words of a song. It  was
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