Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 48

        institutions like education, church,  origin.  The Father gave us a  Please share your perspective
        traditional, government, family etc  fresh template that wasn’t copied  on doing business God’s way.
        so  they  all  positively  influence  a  anywhere. We  also have  our  My understanding  is that as
        positive culture in young people  “RECAP  Africa” content block,  God’s children we are building  a
        across  Africa. So we raise  focusing on human capacity  commonwealth  of the Kingdom.
        people with values, culture and  development in Africa with special  So we are building  systems
        orientation that build societies and  focus  on     entrepreneurship,   across the spheres  of life and
        not dysfunction.                    management       and     personal   interconnecting  to  build capacity
                                            development.  X2DTV is the only  within our communities. This entire
        Television is certainly one of  of its kind anywhere in the world.      process involves creating  values
        the  most  influential  media  out                                      and  exchange  of resources.
        there. How has X2DTV been of  Afrika is seriously in  need of  So business  is a means to an
        influence  in  Afrika  and  Nigeria  healing,  restoration,  how  do  end, which  is to advance  God’s
        in  the  face of  the  growing  you  feel that X2DTV is helping  Kingdom  on  earth  and  influence
        internet?                           with that, or can help with it?     the world for God.  The more we
        Traditional media still has  strong  All these issues stem from the  build capacity  in people via skill
        influence over Africa; I personally  “identity crisis”  Africa suffers  acquisition, mentoring, training etc
        believe X2DTV has just started.  currently. X2DTV as a channel  and we create connections that
        We want to broadcast to the entire  aims to help redefine God’s love for  ensure they  deliver value  in the
        African continent via  the  leading  Africa, so as we tell our stories and  areas they feel God will have them
        pay  TV networks  and  free to air.  share our unique talents, culture  function, we continue a  cycle of
        We are only on a few now and our  and creativity we believe  Africa  market place apostles who create
        eyes are set on the entire continent.  will  find  healing  and  restoration  Kingdom culture in the process of
        We obviously realize the power of  as we begin to love ourselves the  exchanging  values and making
        the internet so we are streaming  way the  Father  loves us  in His  our world  a better place.  So in
        the  channel live via our website  word.  That’s  why our channel is  X2DTV  our  vision  is  to  influence
        to a global audience  and also  predominantly  African in content,  the world  for God with media
        engaging Twitter and IG as well to  so we encourage  unity and  and entertainment and there is a
        keep reaching a  larger audience  oneness fostering collaborations  money flow in that narrative but it’s
        with urban gospel entertainment.  across the entertainment space in  not the reason for our entire vision
        Gradually, people can recognize  Africa.                                and operations.
        us now as Africa’s leading gospel
        entertainment  and  lifestyle  TV  That’s brilliant.  Please  could  How  long  have you  been
        channel,  but we still have a long  you tell us about your title:  married and how many children
        way to go so we are not resting at  Chief  Responsibility  Officer?  do you have?
        all  on whatever  people  think we  That’s new and unique.              I have been married for 14 years
        might have achieved.                I believe the orientation God  now and I have a son who is 12
                                            has helped me build over the  years old and my daughter is 10
        Are there any specific strategies  years helps me in my handling of  years old.
        that  God  has  given  you  from  Kingdom assignments. I basically
        His Executive Playbook that  believe  God alone  gets the glory  What lessons from spending
        you can share with us that have  and it’s an honor and a privilege  time with God are you able to
        been instrumental in X2DTV?         to  be entrusted with a Kingdom  incorporate into family life,
        God was clear about the fact that  assignment. I believe God inspired  and  can you  see a correlation
        X2DTV had to be urban in nature  the  designation so I  remain  between raising  them and  the
        in order to connect with the youth  focused on the assignment no  overall picture of your life i.e.
        population in Africa, so excellence  matter  how “successful” X2DTV  your  stewardship  over X2DTV,
        had to become our culture and  becomes. For me, CRO means I  the legacy  you will  leave
        the essence  of our content. We  take responsibility for  everything  behind  for the next generation
        employ creative ways to share  in X2DTV, but God gets the glory.  (including your children)? Does
        the message of Christ without the  It  reminds me  who the  “Boss”  is  having them push you to work
        traditional  “preachy”  outlook  of  because entertainment can be  harder to  create an  alternative
        many Christian TV channels. We  distracting and I  start feeling like  environment for them as well?
        use talk shows, conversations and  a “celebrity”. Which I pray I never  I have always  told  my family, we
        lifestyle content to creatively share  become.                          are a community  of Kingdom
        the Word and our content is local                                       ambassadors  who are deployed
        driven, even in the  Diaspora, it’s  To  remain in  the place of  into various spheres for His glory,
        about gospel artistes of  African  humility; it’s important for sure.  so I try  to bring up my children
    48                                 HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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