Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 47

In this issue, we have the  That’s so beautiful. So how did  and distributing high quality and
        privilege  of  speaking  with  Deji  the journey lead you to setting  God-filled     Kingdom     creative
        Irawo,    Chief   Responsibility    up X2D (that was in 2009?)          expressions for Africa from Africa
        Officer  of  X2DTV;  a  television  An uncle of mine in 1991 who is  and the Diaspora.
        channel  that is  intentionally  into media helped me identify my  Obviously,  it’s  a journey of  faith.
        crafted to provide wholesome  gift, that I had a voice that would  Everyone told us 11 years ago that
        and  clean family entertainment  be great for media, so I interned  a purely gospel entertainment TV
        devoid of nudity, violence and  with him before I got into university  show will not be funded because
        offensive language for the  and that  began my  journey into  it was not selling airtime to pastors
        entire  family.  X2DTV  content  core media.  A passion  I kept  to preach,  but today  God has
        has been carefully produced  fanning during my university days,  helped  us to run as a 24 hour
        and  screened to  adequately  my  National  Youth Service Corp  gospel  entertainment  channel  on
        entertain, educate and inform.  (NYSC) was a Plateau  Radio  networks like Play TV, Kwese TV
        The channel appeals to a largely  Television  Corporation  (PRTVC)  and Star Times (Lagos network).
        youthful and urban audience in  Jos.                                    Operating  funds, few Kingdom
        Afrika.                             When I returned to Lagos, I  got  minded        creative    persons,
        Deji inspired us with  his fresh  the opportunity to  present  and  advertising        from     corporate
        simplicity in trusting God and  produce a gospel show on Star FM  organizations  are some of the
        following  the Word  he heard  101.5 in Lagos and that thrust me  regular challenges we face at X2D.
        spoken  concerning  the  use  of  into pursuing media as a career.
        his gifts and talents.              On my way back from Jos after my  We certainly understand that
                                            NYSC, I  heard the audible  voice  firsthand.  What  keeps  you
                                            of  God instructing me to use my  going?
        Please tell us about Deji Irawo;  talents for God-focused and family  What keeps  me going  is that
        who you are, what you stand for,  friendly  media  projects. I believe  it’s a Kingdom assignment and
        what you do. Really whatever  that was the foundation  of my  not  a  business, so I  have to
        the Holy Spirit  places in  your  passion for working on various God  stay connected  to God who is
        heart to share with us.             inspired media projects like: praise  the owner of the vision to be
        My  name is  Omooba Deji Irawo;  singers on NTA 2 channel 5, Time  encouraged,  find  solutions  and
        my father is the Oba (king) of Odi  Inspirational TV, Dove Music and  develop  new  innovations.  Failure
        Olowo in Lagos, Nigeria. I see  Vision Channel Manager, Channel  is not an option, we have to impact
        myself as a Kingdom ambassador  manager for the Hi Life channel on  and  influence  Africa’s  youthful
        on earth, one  dedicated  to the  HITV and eventually X2DTV.            population  for the Kingdom, so
        enthronement of the purposes                                            we keep moving and creating God
        of God on the earth. I  carry out  So, is X2DTV your own creation?      directed ideas and relationships to
        various Kingdom assignments  It’s a God creation I  have the  achieve the objective.
        across  the  spheres  of  influence  privilege of overseeing.
        ranging  from family to media,                                          X2DTV recently delved  into
        creativity, education, governance,  We like that. Please share with  Christian family TV shows, what
        church etc.                         us the story of its genesis and  do you think is the most critical
                                            where  you  find  yourselves  challenge in the family of today
        So  in  a way you  have two  today.                                     and how can we address it?
        fathers who are kings ... Do you  Xclusive  2 Divinity is God’s idea  Africa like the rest of the world is
        find  that  the  earthly  helps  you  to  create  a  Kingdom media  raising dysfunctional males  and
        understand the Heavenly better  expression that uses the creative  females who go ahead to  marry
        or vice versa?                      arts and entertainment to spread  and  raise children  who  continue
        Exactly,  I  take  my  fundamental  the mandate of the Kingdom from  the cycle of dysfunction. We are
        identity from God the Father, which  an African perspective to a global  losing  our values  and  churning
        empowers  me to understand  my  audience.  It’s urban  in  nature  out immature, irresponsible  and
        positioning as a prince on earth as  and  is  aimed  at  influencing  this  entitled young people who lack the
        well.  So, yes, being  royalty both  generation  and families  across  capacity to lead themselves and
        ways helps you put the Kingdom  Africa for Christ.                      their families. So it’s a parenting
        narrative  in perspective.  Like                                        crisis we have. People  who are
        Pastor  Bill Johnson will say,  ‘you  Today  we  find  ourselves  being  becoming  parents now are ill
        rule with the heart of a servant and  at the forefront of creating a  equipped  to  raise balanced and
        serve with the heart of a king.’    Kingdom entertainment alternative  successful children in our societies
                                            to worldly  pop culture with the  in Africa. The solution is to ensure
                                            aim of  producing, aggregating  that we strengthen  all  our social

                                       HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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