Page 40 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 40

is a precious baby to us and has  evening when I went for my evening  the  interaction between Phillip
        a deep  connection  to my heart  walk, the Lord started opening up  the evangelist  and the Ethiopian
        personally.                         to me the meaning of that dream.  Eunuch, same way another Phillip
                                            He made me understand that, the  had to  come  for  the  rebirth of
        Her dream:                          baby my wife saw represented by  that  move.  It  gladdens my  heart
        “I was somewhere  watching  a       Dawn, our lovely  baby girl, was  to realize this and I  am forever
        small baby, newly born. I had put   actually  Ethiopia.  That really  got  grateful to God for the honor.
        her down because she needed         me surprised.  As I walked,  He
        to  sleep. Her parents had gone     reminded  me of an experience  I  More words about Ethiopia
        off somewhere.  The baby was        had with this same Dawn  a few  Religion  is looking backwards to
        wearing red onesie, (a one piece)   weeks before our coming to Addis  relics that were. Faith is looking
        and I noted she had one tooth in    Ababa when, my wife and I were  forward into those things that only
        her mouth, held there by a wire, a   at a fellowship in Nairobi. After the  hope as an anchor can give by the
        copper wire. I found out later that   meeting, Dawn came to meet me  word of God. For there is the God
        she had been born with all her      were I was seated. Immediately I  that was, the God that is, but most
        teeth and that all, except this one,   picked her up, I burst into tears.  importantly is the reality of the God
        had fallen out of her mouth.        I  could  not  understand what  was  that is to come which only faith can
        Some children were playing          happening and neither could she.  bring a man into.
        around  her and woke her up, so     I tried to stop the flow of tears from  For the sake of time and because
        she started crying. I pulled her to   my eyes but could not. All I heard  of the season  we are in the
        myself and held her. That’s when    myself saying over her was “Lord,  calender of God, Ethiopia will not
        I noticed she had that tooth in her   please keep this one. Please keep  need  to enter the second  day of
        mouth, held there by a copper wire.   this  one in  Yourself”. Her elder  revival. She doesn’t need it. Father
        I asked her to be patient while I got   sister of about four years old  at  will  move her into the  Third Day
        her something to eat (as I knew     that time saw me crying so much  reality of living in His sight. See
        that this time she wouldn’t sleep,   that she too started crying. It was  Hosea 6:2 for context. Ethiopia is
        except with a stomach that was      such an amazing experience for  a malnourished baby spiritually,
        full). So, I went upstairs with her,   me. After I was reminded of this  and she needs the sincere milk of
        she was crying a bit, but she settled   experience  with Dawn,  then the  the word of God to grow. 1 Peter
        along the way. I got the milk, but I   Lord said, that while I was crying  2:2. Not the peddled word of God
        added to it as I didn’t think it would   over Dawn and asking Him to  that the second day church has
        be enough. Then I warmed some       keep her, I was actually praying for  fed the nations with while hiding
        food, I  wanted to mix in some      Ethiopia. And that Ethiopia is the  under  Pentecostalism, bowing
        pepper, but Sam advised against     new Dawn of Spirit. Oh wow! That  down to the dictates of the system
        it, so I just mixed it the other way. It   blew my  head  away.  I  couldn’t  of Babylon. Ethiopia will be given
        was mashed potatoes and stew. I     wait to get back to the lodgings  the  wings of  a great eagle by
        knew the meat would be too tough    to share with my wife the news. It  God to bypass the second day of
        for her to manage, so I removed it.  was amazing for  me.  He shared  revival and come into the  Third
                                            with me other  things concerning  Day reality of fullness of Spirit.
        As  I  held her,  I  noted how frail/  Ethiopia  but which  I will skip for
        delicate her body was -  like       now.  Looking at the way things     The atmosphere of liberty
        neglected...  The milk was HOT,     were going and the various things   If there  is something  else  that
        that’s why I started to warm the    being  shared  about Ethiopia,  I in   easily catches your attention in
        food, so it would  cool. But the    that moment thanked  God that       Ethiopia,  well, that’s if you pay
        baby was settled by this time. [not   the supposed  religious  spirit was   attention, is the atmosphere of
        asleep, calm]                       actually  what God used  to keep    liberty and strength. I really can’t
                                            the heart of  Ethiopia faithful to   explain  this, but its just there.
        It is when I woke up that I thought   Him all  these years. But like  the   Nothing is as beautiful as a free
        of  Dawn.  The  baby was wearing    child my wife saw, she had been     and sweet spirited people.  A
        a  red onesie and I  had had a      malnourished of the word of God     people whose hearts don’t skip a
        previous dream where Dawn           for a long time. I wondered about   beat because you came to town.
        was in a  red  t-shirt  and she was   these things in my  heart.  I  was   A  people who don’t look at  you
        CRYING and I was the only one       trying to  understand why  God      strangely because you are new
        who could comfort her.”             would make my wife and I be the     in  town  and  therefore  a potential
                                            ones to come open up this reality   terrorist. I remember when my wife
        My wife shared this dream with me,   of Spirit in Ethiopia.  Then I was   and I took a tour around Addis, you
        even though I didn’t make much      reminded  that,  just  as  the  first   could see the simplicity and liberty
        out of it at the time. Later in the   move of the Spirit came through   of Ethiopians in full display. Some
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