Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 54
me forward. He’s an authority, let it impact them let them get to or this is godly music is what
someone who I revere. I remember know You even better.” It took me helps them to understand?
like when I was six I would look at exactly three years to release it. I What will help them to understand
my dad in awe like this big man. I had so many songs I had written is what the music makes them
would hang on his one hand and down. The first song I released feel because you can never lie
he would carry me, just hanging was called African Dance. After to your subconscious or to your
and I would just be like ‘he’s so I released it, I don’t know what spirit, because your spirit comes
strong he’s so amazing.’ That’s happened, all the content I had from God, whether we like it or
how I feel my relationship between ever created I just put it down. I not. Someone has actually said
me and God is. didn’t release anything else. about the music that they felt low
What I realized was that for 13- at some point and then they felt
One of your newest projects is 14 years I played the piano alone, healed. I just said okay that was
The Realm of Illusion, can you before I started playing with a God’s intention, me I released it
tell us what that really means? band. I decided go back to my to whatever the music has gone
So, Realm of Illusion, people roots, that’s how The Impressionist to do. As long as it’s not used for
normally think that when someone came about. The Impressionist a negative purpose which is not
says Realm of Illusion you have is also interesting because you based on God’s will.
started witchcraft, wizardry and can either look at yourself as the
sorcery. I just went back to my painter or you can look at God Tell us about your project
roots. How I began music. How as The Painter of your life. In the “The Four Elements.”
God showed me I began music. song, Realm of Illusion, you can
I was actually in awe of God and
Realm of Illusion is describing the be in your own realm or you can
how He created the elements
condition when you’re in a trance- be in God’s realm of illusion. It and I tried replicating them in my
like state. Have you ever been might feel like it’s an illusion but
own understanding. It was a very
with God and then you just feel as God is the One who knows the
deep thing for me. The people in
if you’re sober, like you feel you true nature, it’s a space that He
the studio wanted to do a video
can still function normally? Well, I Himself has created. You can look
recording project so I told them
don’t feel like that. When you’re in at Disney Love as Pocahontas to go ahead and film me. I had
a very deep state sometimes even and Cinderella but you can look at
no idea what I was going to do at
talking to people can even irritate Disney Love as the true love that’s
all, I just sat at the keyboard, then
you because you’re like, “Mh-mh, never ending of Jesus Christ.
the moment they started and said,
let me just finish with God first.”
“Rolling!” I just played. I said, I’m
You don’t want to be interrupted. “I feel like, honestly going to name this Four Elements
So that is that Realm of Illusion. from before until now, and whatever comes to my head,
Realm of Illusion is actually one
of the songs the main album is I feel like it’s a Father- it shall come. I like composing on
the fly. Then I said I feel like this
called The Impressionist. During
Son relationship. Your should have some elements in it so
the time of the classical period father can be your it gives it a more profound sound
there was impressionism in music
and that’s how it just came about.
and there was impressionism in friend, your father can What I was feeling in my heart.
art. If you look at the colors on be your authority and And when I was listening to the
the album art and how they have music, it just gave me the words:
been put, you’ll find a similarity your father can also be The earth is stable - on Christ the
with the impressionism era. I want your mentor.” Solid Rock I stand; People always
to let people figure out who God
deem fire as dangerous but if
is through guidance rather than
God’s fire goes into you it purifies;
through imposing. This is where Water - God and the ocean are
The Impressionist came along. So basically you’re saying so vast and so deep; Wind - He
You can look at each piece from a that to understand the kind of
will just come like a rushing wind
secular point and from a Christian music you do which I believe
(stolen from William McDowell, he
point. If you’re going to choose to is like you are kind of trying
says come like the rushing wind). I
listen to the music, then you have to have this kind of deeper don’t know why when people hear
to be aware in which state of mind connection to God, so for the elements the first thing they go
you’re listening to it. But the spirit someone to understand your to is witchcraft. It’s God who has
in which I created it was the spirit
music, their level of maturity created everything, so basically
of “You know God, this is what
and their ability to decipher what you’re doing is you’re trying
You’ve given me. So, if it will impact
this is secular or this is gospel to insubordinate God by using
anybody in any way whatsoever, His very own creation which He