Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 59

                 Wale Owikoh

                                               By: Chioma Phillips
                      Obviously, from listening to his music, you will instantly know that Wale is a master at
                    playing the  piano and the organ. But he is one who never prides himself as good with these
                    instruments. In a Whatsapp chat, Chioma Phillips had a lively and fun-filled interview with
                     Wale. He shares about his walk with God, walking away from home as a teenager and the
                     journey to finding his place in God, making choices that are not common. Please read on.

        Please tell us about yourself       however  by the next day noon  I  KNOW THE LORD. I repeat KNOW
        Wale  Owikoh: Wale  Israel Jr.  was out of the house already, with  THE LORD and every other thing
        Owikoh, A Missionary, Jazz Pianist/  every single  bit of my tiny (hah-  is settled. God gave me the grace
        Organist, Writer and  a preacher  hah) belongings. At this step, I was  and is still with me to really know
        of the  Gospel. Married,  blessed  all of a sudden stuck as to really  Him for myself, not what I  heard
        with four great seeds  (Children).  know where  to go because  all I  or what someone said about Him.
        The president and chief servant at  heard was leave the house, never  But He by His Holy Spirit through it
        Alleluia Music Ministries Intl, HQ.  clear what was up next nor where  all has revealed Himself to me and
        Abuja.                              to go next. So I roam a little within  that fixes every bit.
                                            the city of Lagos until I got the final
        Please  tell us how  you  got  blow that kicked me out finally.         You define yourself as organist/
        started in music                                                        pianist.  Kindly,  what  is  the
        Wale: I began playing the piano at  That’s interesting. So you ended  difference?
        an early age, as a child, afterwards,  up leaving Lagos as well?        Wale: Professional musicians do
        I joined numerous  teams and  Wale: Yes, finally.                       understand that. This is it; the piano
        choirs at different times over the                                      is quite different from the organ.
        years,  to  express and expound  Where did  the  journey of  Yes they are both played almost
        the gift of God within. I also built  obedience end up taking you?      same way, just that the techniques
        up a studio which is still open till  Wale:  The end  of the journey?  and approach are different  and
        date for recording and rehearsing  (laughs) I haven’t completely begun  thus a pianist does not necessarily
        purposes,  which  really  did gave  yet and yes thus far it has been  know how to fully handle the organ
        me the opportunity to discover  beyond calculation. I  remember  and its mechanisms.
        hidden and great creative abilities  the many nights  of  hunger,  cold,
        shut within.                        homelessness,  abuse, rejection,  But you have mastered both.
                                            multiple disappointments and now  Are you entirely self-taught?
        Have you always had a walk  it really seems to be like none of  Wale:  Mastered? (hahah) Still
        with God?                           those ever happened, as  much  growing withal. I am largely Spirit
        Wale: God’s grace.        of the strain has been cleared  taught.
                                            off. We (My Family)  live in  our
        Please tell us about that journey.  private house now in the FCT,  I  have listened  to  your  music
        Wale: I was still living  with my  by His grace, we own properties  online,  and your sound is
        parents and a teenager at  the  here, we are  running ministerial  clearly different from what you
        time going through High School.  assignments  side-by-side  with  generally get  in  Nigeria  and
        Suddenly,  one morning after  a  gospel  sermon publications  and  Afrika.  Please tell us about that.
        few  early  morning house chores,  music reaching  countless people  Wale: Again comes in the saying, I
        I heard a voice say to me, “You  across the globe.  We are just  was built by the hand of the Creator
        will have to leave your father’s  beginning.                            to do these things, of which I can
        house now.”  It  was audible,                                           take no credit over neither can I
        strong and precise. I  never had  I’m sure that time of challenge  explain how I  arrived here  in my
        the premonition to do such at the  was intended to produce much  words. Largely Spirit taught.
        time, as I was still  making  plans  fruit in your life.  What can you
        to establish myself and do quite a  say you learnt and how does it  Did you ever get tempted to try
        whole lot career wise. I can’t figure  sustain you now?                 out  a style different  from the
        how  it all  played  out eventually,  Wale: One major point here is  one He was showing you?
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