Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 60
Wale: Tempted to play African greater place and assignment for in the FCT, Nigeria and across
music? you and a sanitizing creed for all borders, from time to time, to ignite
Did you do it or we’re you able these souls.” and encourage leaders - men
to resist? and women - in the work of the
Wale: (Laughs) Well, when we are Amazing kingdom and to make sure many
built by God for a task everything Wale: I ended up not going are not falling off the path of Light.
He wants us to do just happens
spontaneously because He is What? Encouragement is needed now.
the bounty and power behind the Wale: Yes. That’s God’s way. Not What do you think about the
gift. I surely play any other music always popular. state of Africa?
effortlessly by His Grace. Although Wale: A great place full of life and
much of my part is tagged by a But always necessary. I have strength BUT men of wicked and ill
whole lot of people as completely heard you on social media talk spirit are dicing the state around.
western and American. about the strife among gospel
music ministers. What really is What must we do?
Ever play for international or the cause and how do we deal Wale: Take a stand for what God
local gospel acts? with it? originally designed you to be, wait
Wale: Yes, Helen Baylor, U.S.A, Wale: Yes. The beginning of this on the Lord and receive Ideas that
River Song, U.K, e.t.c. evil is the infiltration of the vanity will spark the Light in as many
fair doctrine, we have amidst the as possible on your path, press
What was the experience like? gospel sect and musicians today. on to herald the plan of God for
Wale: Fabulous! It feels great. You It has brought in quite a lot of your Country, Community and the
know that inner glow and joy when souls that are not saved, and World.
you work with like minds? It’s just again are not willing to be saved.
heaven on earth. So these ones go about spreading Any concluding words for
the vanity fair life and doctrines Africa, her leaders, her people?
There is a terrible infiltration of coated with an awkward lifestyle Wale: Finally my beloved friends
the gospel music scene now which does not depict God, but and family, Nations and Kindreds,
with the Jezebel spirit, that exalts self, mammon and satan. In seek ye the LORD GOD who
seems to glorify fame, money, view of these ills we need again, reigns above all, LET JESUS
worship songs… rather than as I said earlier to rise as children CHRIST in thy soul dwell. And all
the true walk of faith with God. of the Light and shine the Light shall be well.
What do you think? as God has called us. Do not join
Wale: Yes, very correct. These the puppet wagon of strife for Amen. Any words for your fellow
things must surely happen. These vain glory and worldly fairs but music ministers in Africa?
are the fulfillment of the scriptures remain steadfast in the truth and Wale: Same. Stay focused on
and what we (those of us who unmovable. your calling, stay sanitized, stay
have seen the LIGHT) can do is connected to Christ.
to remain spotless amidst these Actually this is something I have
ills and shine as the LIGHT, heard you reflect on in your
regardless of the popular trend. video messages. You seem to
have a heart for righteousness
You are friends with my husband in the body of Christ, is it a
Samuel on Facebook so I see specific calling He gave you?
some of your posts. You shared Wale: By His (God’s) grace,
recently about being invited to I am called to raise Kingdom
play at Aso Rock at a meeting Generals and disciple men with an
of African presidents. How was exceptional and keen passion for
that experience? God’s Holy design. I have that as a
Wale: Yes. Guess what God told specific assignment, incorporated
me after the Call? into my music ministry.
Don’t go? Meaning through your music or
Wale: (Laughs) look at thee. He through both your music and
said, “Rejoice not in these things, maybe training others in music?
for in the midst of vain men who Wale: Very well via music and
despise ME (God) you go. I have a not just that. By God’s grace we
hold discipleship meetings here