Page 64 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 64


               MANSA MUSA 1

                             OF MALI EMPIRE

                                          RESEARCHED BY CHIOMA PHILLIPS
                                            ART SOURCE: AFRICAN GLOBE

        Rich beyond  description.  That  of gold in the Egyptian economy.  sail with a large entourage on an
        seems to sum up Mansa Musa I of  According to some, it took 12  expedition to  discover the  limits
        Mali’s great abundance of material  years for Egypt to recover. It is also  of the  Atlantic Ocean, leaving
        wealth. (Mansa means King)          said that his lavish spending also  Musa Keita to act as regent of the
                                            caused ripples in the economies of  kingdom in his absence. Abubakr
        The  African  ruler, described  as  Medina and Mecca.                   didn’t return though, and so, in
        young and handsome, had vast                                            the year 1312 Musa took over the
        wealth resources that caused the  But Mansa Musa 1 didn’t  start  throne in line with the existing laws
        riches of Egypt and Europe to  out that  way. Historical accounts  of the Mali Empire.
        pale in comparison. So vast that  state  that his grandfather was
        he disrupted Egypt’s economy as  the brother of  Sundiata  Keita  The new Mansa inherited an
        he passed by on his pilgrimage  who founded the Empire of  Mali,  already  rich empire, Mali was
        to Mecca, making gifts of alms to  but the throne never came to his  extremely      wealthy,   with   an
        the poor, and  making  such  great  grandfather or his father. So, how  abundance  of copper and pure
        purchases of  textiles and  other  did he come to be Mansa? In the  gold resources, the demand for
        goods as to cause the devaluation  early 1300s, Mansa Abubakr II set  which was high. Under Musa, the
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