Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 53


          promise from God that he would
          now be required to pastor a whole
          nation. His speech exposes the
          depths of filth in Malawi that every
          nation in Afrika is not only familiar
          with but dealing with (or not) at
          various levels. His speech exposes
          his determination to rout it out,
          even at the cost of his own comfort
          and privacy.

          In a continent where most political
          leaders are willing to sit on a heap
          of dung and encourage themselves
          and others to simply ignore the
          stench and evident rot surround-            Martha Chizuma, Director General, Anti-Corruption
          ing them, Chakwera appears to                                 Bureau, Malawi.
          have made the decision to pick up
          a shovel and face the mountain of
          excrement and to deal with it. En-  admits he is disappointed and personally   about the role she must play in
          couraging the people of Malawi to   hurt by her sentiments about him in the   the fight against corruption; she
          join in, ‘shine their light’; reminding   leaked phone conversation:  discusses exactly when the Bureau
          them that the responsibility requires                                 will take action on its findings
          an army of people to deal with it –   “Fellow Malawians,              because doing so earlier would lead
          rather than it being the struggle of a   Earlier today, I held a meeting with   to compromise; she discusses her
          solitary individual, like Chizuma had   the Director General of the An-  knowledge of a bribe accepted
          intimated in the recording.        ti-Corruption Bureau, Ms. Martha   by a specific judge two days prior
          Such words, such sentiments require   Chizuma, and the Minister of Jus-  to attending a hearing before that
          magnification, which is why we     tice, Hon. Titus Mvalo. I called for   judge; she discusses her emotional
          share them below in their entirety   the meeting pursuant to Section 4(4)   and mental state in the course of
          (as far as we can ascertain). In a   of the Corrupt Practices Act, which   conducting her work; she discusses
          separate article, I speak about the   requires the Director General of   the amount of money she believes
          power of words to impact and influ-  the Bureau to report to me and the   has passed through the hands of a
          ence. This whole issue is about the   Minister on the general conduct of   suspect the Bureau recently arrested;
          power of the blessing which often   the affairs of the Bureau.        she discusses the sentiments some
          is released through words. These                                      members of the Judiciary expressed
          words, by Malawi’s leader, contain   “Among the things tabled at this   to her about the ruling of a court
          within them the spark of life that   meeting was an audio recording of   she argued a case in; she discusses
          can help remind each and every     a conversation between Ms. Chizu-  her belief that the justice system in
          one of us what the cost of standing   ma and another person, which Ms.   Malawi will not do what is right in
          up for what is right is and why it is   Chizuma has confirmed to be an au-  handling corruption cases unless it
          worth it. They remind us how far   thentic recording of a conversation   is forced; she discusses the fact that
          we need to go in order to com-     she has acknowledged to me and the   the lawyers at the Bureau told her
          pletely transform the world around   Minister to constitute misconduct   that behind the lawyers defending
          us. They remind us that there is a   on her part. In the recording, which   corruption suspects  in court are
          cause greater than ourselves that we   has been widely circulated across so-  twenty or thirty corrupt lawyers;
          are fighting for. Read on and let us   cial media and covered by the press,   she discusses how many millions of
          know what you think:               she discusses certain elements and   dollars have been spent on bribery
                                             perspectives related to the Bureau’s   by a corruption suspect; she affirms
          President Chakwera of  Malawi fires Kez-  fight against corruption.   the expressed view that there is no
          zie Msukwa, dissolves cabinet, disagrees                              one in the whole country in whose
          with AG’s Amnesty Propasal and throws   Specifically, she discusses what one   hands a bribe has not passed; she
          his weight behind Chizuma although he   of our foreign partners said to her   discusses the defensive attitude

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