Page 55 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 55


          fight against corruption, listening   the developments surrounding Ms.   or demanded bribes. But it also
          to some of the remarks Ms. Chi-    Chizuma are a timely reminder that   means admitting that corruption is
          zuma makes on that recording was   the war on corruption is too vast to   so deep in our country that many
          painful. But because I took an oath   be waged or won by one person or   of us may have benefitted from its
          of allegiance to the Constitution   one agency. It needs Malawians of   proceeds without even knowing it.
          and pledged to work only in the best   courage and integrity in intelligence   It means admitting that we all need
          interest of Malawian, I have chosen   agencies like the Financial Intelli-  to be more vigilant about where
          to put Malawi first.               gence Authority and the Nation-    the money we spend comes from.
                                             al Intelligence Service. It needs   Because at this point, few of us can
          “As a further demonstration of my   Malawians of courage and integrity   guarantee that none of the funds
          resolve to confront all forms of   in law enforcement agencies like   donated by foreigners, or used
          lawless conduct by public officials,   the Anti-Corruption Bureau and   to pay for our education, or our
          I wish to take this opportunity to   the Malawi Police Service. It needs   political campaigns, or our wedding
          pronounce myself on two matters    Malawians of courage and integrity   reception, or our funeral ceremo-
          that affect my Administration. First,   in watchdog entities like the Malawi   nies, or our church buildings, or our
          in exercise of the powers vested   Human Rights Commission, the       shopping, or our travel came from
          in me by the Constitution, I have   National Assembly, and the Om-    acts of corruption. So we must be
          dissolved my entire Cabinet effective   budsman. It needs Malawians of   more vigilant and each shine a light
          immediately, and all the functions of   courage and integrity in regulatory   on ourselves, not just others.
          Cabinet revert to my office until I   agencies like the Malawi Revenue
          announce a reconfigured Cabinet in   Authority, the Reserve Bank of   “But as you shine your light, be sure
          two days. That reconfigured Cabinet   Malawi, and others. It needs Mala-  to take great pains to always conduct
          will exclude the current Minister of   wians of courage and integrity in   yourself professionally, ethically,
          Lands, to allow him to answer the   the Executive and Judicial branches   collaboratively, and legally. Malawi
          corruption charges he is facing in   of Government, and in the political   simply cannot afford to lose your
          court and clear his name there. This   parties that compete for state power.   light because of a careless mistake
          is a decision I have made following   And crucially, it needs Malawians of   or because you exposed yourself to
          yesterday’s submission to me of an   courage and integrity among the Cit-  evil people who will not hesitate to
          official ACB report on the charges   izenry to report any acts of corrup-  betray you or use you to descend
          the Minister is facing, which is the   tion they witness.             Malawi into chaos. As the Scriptures
          same process I followed when I dis-                                   say in 1st Corinthians 16:13, it is not
          missed two Ministers in the past.   “So although Ms. Chizuma is heard   enough to stand firm, or to be cou-
                                             saying in that recording that the   rageous, or to be strong. You must
          “Secondly, I have directed the     British authorities told her that the   also be on your guard.
          Minister of Justice to inform the   fight against corruption depends
          Attorney General that I do not sup-  solely on her integrity, I disagree.   “I thank you for your attention.”
          port the offer of amnesty to those   Anyone who truly understands the
          who defrauded Government and       way this country is structured and
          the Malawian people. Although the   the depth of corruption within
          idea of an amnesty was a campaign   our midst knows that winning this
          promise enshrined in our manifes-  war depends on all of us. It has to,
          to as a way of speedily recovering   because a war is won by armies, not
          Government’s stolen assets, it     a lone soldier isolated from all the
          cannot be effected without a clear   others.
          legislative framework that allows
          it to be implemented lawfully and   I believe that this army of Malawi-
          without appearing soft on corrup-  ans of courage and integrity exists,
          tion. The Minister of Justice is thus   and if you consider yourself to
          on instruction to review this policy   be in its ranks, your time to shine
          and work with the Attorney General   your light and expose the darkness
          in designing a sound alternative for   of corruption has come. Shining
          recovering Malawi’s stolen treasures.   your light means pointing out those
          “Let me conclude by stating that   who have paid or received bribes

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