Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 60


          seats with pride and proceed to ig-  In fact, perhaps this time you can   happening to you in your country
          nore each one of us, day in and day   consider squeezing my skull instead.   that you are paying for this through
          out, year in and year out and then,   That might be more appropriate,   your taxes? You are literally paying
          after 4 or 5 years, come back to us   since I did not suffer sufficiently   to be tortured and tormented. That
          in pretended humility to ‘ask’ for   the last time you oppressed me.” To   is a very weird relationship with
          our vote again? They don’t care. The   keep doing that says a lot about the   your employee.
          proof is there. And as we scatter be-  value the electorate does not place   It does not matter if they are the
          fore their armed escorts and blaring   on itself, perhaps because they do   president, a member of parliament
          sirens, only a few of them actually   not understand that they do have   or a cabinet secretary… they are
          do the work that they promised they   great value. Is it ignorance? Yes, if   there to serve your interests, not
          would do. Others attempt a small   you have an employee who is not    their own. It is public service they
          portion of it, because after all they   doing their job, why will you keep   are signing up for. Stop letting
          have to demonstrate that they made   paying them? They go out and steal,   them get away with being mean to
          some kind of effort for them to be   kill people, destroy your children’s   you, stealing from you, or derelic-
          able to get voted in again and con-  future by mortgaging the country to   tion of duty. Stop letting them get
          tinue their reign of laxity. Is that not   lenders, poison you through food   away with being dishonorable and
          so? The rest are too busy traveling   and water, allow thieves into your   disrespectful towards you. Stop it.
          to foreign lands for ‘benchmarking   country and you keep on paying   They owe you a high standard of
          tours’ or sneaking off to hotels   them for what they have done? In-  service. Make sure you get it. If they
          to have sordid sexual trysts with   stead of firing them using approved   are not performing, summon them
          other people’s wives and husbands   mechanisms? That is ignorance of   and demand improvements. If they
          because in their books, that’s how   your authority as an employer. That   fail you, fire them and replace them.
          they ought to behave. It is sick and   is ignorance of how your laws work.   That’s it.
          sickening what we allow them to get   That is ignorance of the purpose of
          away with.                         your employee and their responsibil-  Politicians and governments count
                                             ity to you. And all of that represents   on you being predictable and stupid
          Instead of invoking any existing   a generational problem if we allow it   so that they do not have to exert
          provisions in the constitution that   to continue.                    themselves, they do not have to do
          allow for them to forcibly eject these                                anything outside of the template
          so-called leaders from their seats,   These people owe you acceptable   that you have become accustomed
          prior to their terms ending, the elec-  quality work that enables you to   to. It has become no big thing
          torate just take the nonsense lying   focus on what you love to do. That   for them to climb up on a stage,
          down, choose to wait out the 4- or   is what a representative is meant to   produce a few silly dance moves to
          5-year cycle and then make another   do for you. To act on your behalf   make you think, “Oh he or she is
          badly informed and ill-advised selec-  while you manage other matters.   just like one of us!!! That’s so nice!
          tion who also treats them as if they   They do not owe you bullying   That must mean they really under-
          are worthless. Others return their   tactics, strangulating costs of living,   stand us.” Because they know that
          oppressors to office for another 4 or   manipulative and coercive treatment   once they have you laughing at their
          5 years. This means that entire de-  and murderous police officers who   ‘human-ness’ then they can con you
          cades – DECADES – are LOST as      work against your safety instead of   again into believing their lies. But
          Afrikans choose to repeat the errors   for it. They do not owe you closed   you cannot be like that again.
          of the past and retain the men and   contracts with external entities   For those who attend rallies and re-
          women who have proven unable,      that imprison you and put you in   ceive the small items that are dished
          unwilling, or both, to do what is   a position where you cannot freely   out such as t-shirts, baseball caps,
          needed in ensuring the welfare of   exchange seeds or use seeds the way   $5 dollar handouts or bags of flour,
          their nations is defended and their   you are accustomed to or are forced   rice or sugar please understand that
          futures built up accordingly.      to use and pay for medication that   these items are not given to you
          Is this self-hate or ignorance? I   you do not need and that could kill   out of great love for you. It is an
          believe it is a mixture of both,   you. They do not owe you awful     attempt to purchase you. Those are
          really. To keep going back to the   contracts with organizations that re-  the same tricks the colonizers played
          boot that steps on your neck and   sult in debt repayments that trap you   on village chiefs. You must remem-
          saying, “Oh, sorry, please you did   and your children for decades. Do   ber that you are worth more than a
          not yet crush this part of my neck.   you realize that if these things are   piece of cloth or a grain of flour or

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