Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 61
litical seat will give them. They have
nothing useful to give or deliver to
the people. And the ones that try
to do so, end up leaving heaps of
debt on the laps of their people
while calling it development. There
is a level of boldness required to
tame the madness of our visionless
The electorate must take it upon
themselves to ask questions. You
cannot be blinded by candies and
big words and not see through the
many lies that these politicians bring
After effect of an election loss to the table. When they tell you as a
Kenyan that they will give each Ken-
yan family 6000KSh every month,
sugar. By all means, take them, but the same thing. ask them where they hope to get the
do not let the items be the things money, especially knowing that the
that decide what you do when you You see, the only way we are going incumbent government already has
reach the ballot box. Don’t fight for to change the things happening in 9TrillionKSh in debt waiting for the
those things. I have seen situations politics in Afrika is if WE do things incoming administration.
where people start to fight over the differently. Those ones who dance Or you can ask the other ones that
gifts, like fools. Don’t waste your on stage and make lying pronounce- think wheelbarrow was what Elon
time. Walk away. You are worth ments as promises then enter office Musk used to get to space. When
more. and do whatever they feel like doing next you meet them, bring a marker
– or whatever their party leader says board before them and ask them
If you do get a gift item, go home, – those ones will not change until in one hour to explain to you, like
make tea for your family, or what- we change. And they will try to keep they would tell a child, how they
ever small meal that bag of flour us behaving as unthinking people intend to carry out the big mouthy
and small money can produce, or because they are too lazy to try new development project they are busy
even give it away – and then make things. It is the same with the news promising they will bring when
up your mind what kind of leader media. They do not want to have to elected. Don’t let them fool you all
you really want. Is it the handout struggle to think about your chang- over again.
giver or the one who genuinely cares ing and maturing perspective, they
about you and your community? want to keep you hooked on South It is our responsibility as a people
Where were they all these years? American soap operas and news to create the momentum for change
Have they been making an impact about politicians because it makes in our societies. Our responsibility.
in your society at all, or were they their lives easier. Show all of them So, you, pick your head up. You not
just waiting for elections to cash in that you know that you deserve bet- only have great value; you have great
on them? Look at the person’s heart, ter and that if they do not change, authority and influence as well. Do
look at their track record, look at you and your family are moving on. not abuse it by selling it for mon-
their character, look at how they Don’t limit yourself to their ways. ey or some cheap token. Honor it
treat you and then compare them Force them to grow and catch up. by ensuring that you make sure it
with others who are also trying to You owe them that as a member of counts for something, and along the
secure a position. Pray about it, ask the society that wants to see things way, tell a friend or neighbor about
God who He wants and on voting improve. your renewed mindset. Perhaps in
day, go quietly, pick your pieces of doing that, we can actually shift
paper and vote. That’s your right. Our world and the political space things in the direction that they
Leave them and their games and especially in Afrika has been taken really need to go in.
clownish behavior, if that’s how they over by jokers and manipulators.
insist on living. You do not have to Most of them are visionless and are
be like them. Teach your children only gunning for the tickle that a po-