Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 50
Food Health
President Buhari
of Nigeria, Demands More and
Reliable Energy for Africa from COP26
Originaly published on
Lawrence Freeman, November 2, 2021
Lawrence Freeman
ahammadu Buhari, are using so called environmental Lawrence Freeman is a Political-Economic
president of Nigeria, concerns to deny African nations
issued a forceful state- the right to eliminate poverty and Analyst for Africa, who has been involved in
Mment (printed below) have access to 1,500 watts of economic development policies for Africa for
to the COP26 Summit, on the need electricity 24 hours a day-7 days a over 30 years.
for African nations to have access to week, like Western nations. Western He is the creator of the blog: lawrencefreem-
abundant and reliable energy. This nations developed because they
followed by one week, a likeminded had access to abundant and reliable
statement from President Yoweri energy. Sub-Saharan African needs
Museveni of Uganda. an additional 1,000 gigawatts of
power. Yet, COP26 is trying to im- the international community been
Western nations, global institutions, pose inferior and limited energy for concerned enough for the last sixty
and the international banks, have African, and all developing nations. years to empower African nations
declared that African nations should Why was nuclear energy, which is to build adequate national electricity
not have the energy-i.e., electric- an absolute necessity for Africa, not grids? Worth thinking about.
ity needed to fully develop their even allowed to be brought up for
nations. So called renewables, wind discussion at COP26? For six de- The Climate Crisis Will Not be
and solar energy are inefficient and cades, since the liberation of Africa Fixed by Causing an Energy
inadequate to power industrialized from the colonial powers, there has Crisis in Africa | Opinion
nations. COP26 and the fanatical been no effort to bring light i.e., MUHAMMADU BUHARI , PRES-
neo-Malthusians who spawned the electricity to Africa. However, now IDENT, FEDERAL REPUBLIC
radical environmentalist movement, these same nations want to limit OF NIGERIA
do not want African nations to energy to prevent the industrial- 10/30/21, Newsweek Magazine.
develop. They do not want to see ization of African nations. This is a
African nations become industri- complete fraud! Africans are dying Dire warnings of the end of the
alized. They would rather see the daily from multiple causes; all relat- world are as old as civilization
population of Africa reduced. They ed to the lack of energy. Why hasn’t itself. But each year as the count-
50 | we tell the true afrikan story