Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 45

Food Health

          Maharashtra. According to a local   When it comes to climate change   to guarantee continued profits for
          farmer, Gunwant, the “hailstorm    agriculture is simultaneously one of   corporations instead of tackling the
          couldn’t have lasted more than     its main victims and its perpetrator.   climate crisis.
          18-20 minutes. But the trees had   Methane is produced from rice cul-
          fallen off, dead birds were scat-  tivation and ruminant animals, while   The new Green Revolution pushed
          tered around and the livestock was   nitrous oxide emissions are dis-  in Africa, or AGRA (Alliance for a
          badly injured”.12 The arid prone   charged mainly from soils, fertilisers,   Green Revolution in Africa), with its
          regions of Telengana had a simi-   manure and urine from grazing      synthetic fertiliser, hybrids seeds and
          lar experience in April 2020, with   animals. Both these gases have   monoculture farming has already
          losses affecting 16,800 hectares of   considerably higher global warming   demonstrated how this approach
          millet crop.13 Farmers in Pakistan   potential than carbon dioxide. What   greatly undermines farmers’ efforts
          are facing similar erratic climate   often goes unsaid, however, is that   to adapt to climate change.
          events, with severe damage to their   most of these emissions are large-
          standing crops.14 Climate change is   ly generated by industrial farming   False climate solutions are meant to
          also sparking unprecedented locust   practices that rely on the heavy use   commodify and privatise functions
          attacks, like the one that thrashed   of nitrogen-based fertilisers and   of nature and destroy ecosystems
          Pakistani agriculture in 2020. The   pesticides, heavy machinery run   – forests, soil, wetlands, rivers,
          swarm ended up causing USD $2.2    on petrol, and highly concentrated   mangroves and oceans - upon which
          billion worth of losses for Rabi   industrial livestock operations that   life depends. As we have seen in
          (winter) crops and nearly $2.89 bil-  produce methane waste.18 These   AGRA, these markets based solu-
          lion for Kharif (summer) crops.15   along with deforestation, refriger-  tions are designed to alienate local
          India and Afghanistan were not     ation, and long distance transpor-  communities from their lands and
          spared either. The locust attacks had   tation are all integral parts of the   natural resources. These current
          serious repercussions on their food   industrial food system.         trends towards technology fixes
          supply.                                                               have also increased the marginal-
                                             Its dependency on fossils fuels,   isation of women in farming and
          Reports indicate that climate change   chemicals and on a globalised food   have significantly impacted women’s
          is also linked with the increase in   system that is energy intensive   ability to earn a living for themselves
          farmers’ suicides in India. A study   makes of industrial farming a major   and their families. Herbicides and
          by the University of California,   contributor to climate change. De-  herbicide resistance crops are being
          Berkeley, shows that climate change   spite this, there is a push across the   promoted in the name of zero
          may have contributed to the suicides   world to promote and expand high   tillage (or No-till) farming as an im-
          of nearly 60,000 Indian farmers and   carbon intensive agriculture in the   portant component of climate smart
          farm workers over the past three   name of a second Green Revolu-     agricultural practices. It allegedly
          decades. The damage on crops in-   tion, gene revolution, and now, in   reduces carbon dioxide emissions
          duced by fluctuations in temperature   the name of our climate. Encour-  by sequestering more carbon in
          and rainfall, impact crop yield and   aged by corporate interests, this   the soil, since the use of herbicides
          deepen debt burden, pushing poor   new phase of industrial agriculture   avoids plowing. However, these false
          farmers to suicide. For temperatures   is based on risky technologies. On   solutions do not reduce emissions
          above 20°C, a single day increase   one hand, it’s presenting genetically   nor address the social crises caused
          of 1°C causes an average of 70     engineered (GM) crops for drought,   by climate change, but rather allow
          suicides.16 Another study highlights   saline or frost resistance. While on   business as usual and boost cor-
          the correlation between drought    the other it offers industrial agrofu-  porate profits. What’s more, the
          onset and suicides. It’s precisely in   els, geo-engineering and synthetic   women agricultural workers in India
          those five states of India which have   biology. All these mechanisms and   who worked weeding are losing their
          the highest percentage of drought   new technologies in agriculture   income.
          prone areas where farmers’ suicides   being promoted as climate change
          are the highest.                   resistant are based on large-scale   Climate smart agriculture: Not a
                                             mono-cropping, hi-tech investment   ‘smart’ solution
          Industrial agriculture and new     and a chemical input system, which
          technologies contributing to cli‑  require big capital and centralised   Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
          mate change                        control. These misleading solutions   is being promoted by governments
                                             to climate change are actually aimed   and corporations alike as a magic

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