Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 42


          and easy, but also as something that   phones. But frankly, that’s not good   questions, which are not only of in-
          can bring all sorts of benefits. One   enough. Although filtering is better   terest to parents but also of concern
          TikTok influencer, Alex Consani, 18,   than no filtering, all filtering technol-  to each of us; we are all impacted.
          says in a video that followers may be   ogy is imperfect. Furthermore, while   Hence, we must wake up to the dan-
          only “one oestrogen pill away from   filtering technology can filter explicit   ger these technologies, applications,
          a glow up.” As the Mail explains, “A   materials, the kind of propaganda   etc. pose, ask appropriate questions,
          ‘glow up’ is a mental, physical and   being posted on TikTok is designed   and demand that those in govern-
          emotional transformation for the   to get around filtering by purporting   ment take swift action to protect our
          better.”                           to be “educational material” about   youth, families, and society.
                                             “human rights” and “health.”
          Take millions of kids going through
          the already-confusing period of ado-  Filtering technology is a poor re-
          lescence and sexual development,   placement for good parenting and
          isolate them during a pandemic, give   oversight. If, for whatever reason
          them 24/7 access to the Internet,   (and, as mentioned, I can’t think of
          and then flood their minds with    a good one), a parent feels that they
          radical content suggesting that all   must give their children a smart-
          their angst and other problems may   phone, that does not excuse them
          be due to being born in the “wrong   from frequently checking what their
          body,” and propose adopting a      children are viewing, and frequently
          transgender identity as the “solu-  talking with their children about the
          tion,” and it is inevitable that some   responsible use of technology. The
          will decide to give transgenderism   same goes for all computers and
          a try.                             televisions in the house.

          Some of these, alas, will be perma-  Concerned parents would not invite
          nently and profoundly harmed by    the local drag queen into their home
          the experiment, ending up in a dark   for unsupervised conversations
          world of sexual confusion, with    with their children. So why would
          bodies permanently mutilated and   they give their children a device that
          sterilized by irreversible drug regi-  allows them to potentially spend
          mens and surgeries.                endless hours listening to that same
                                             drag queen (or worse) tell their child,
          Don’t Give Your Children           in graphic detail, precisely how they
          Smartphones. Period.               can socially, medically, and surgical-
          All I can say by way of conclusion   ly alter themselves to become the
          is to reiterate something that I have   opposite sex, and how they can go
          said many times in the past: Parents,   about hiding all of this from their
          don’t give your children smart-    own parents?
          phones. Period.
                                             Yes, that is what these people are
          Just don’t do it.                  doing. And they are doing it with the
                                             enthusiastic support of the big-tech
          The brother of someone I know      companies, like TikTok, that have
          said that when he sent his children   captured the rapt attention of tens
          to a local public school, his children   of millions of our children. As a
          were the only children in the entire   parent, your job is to say, “No! Not
          school who did not have a smart-   in my house. Not with my children.”
                                             Any technology, application, pro-
          Of course, some of the parents of   gram, or virtual platform can have
          children with smartphones proba-   incredible benefits, as well as dan-
          bly had filtering on their children’s   gerous downsides. Both raise ethical

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