Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 38


                                                                                         Samuel Phillips

                                                                                        is a writer, graphic designer, photogra-
                                                                                        pher, songwriter, singer and a lover of
           RAISING OUR KIDS                                                           God. As an Afrikan content creator, he

                                                                                       is passionate about creating a better im-
           In A Broken World                                                          age and positive narrative about Afrika
                                                                                                           and Afrikans.

                   hildren are God’s gifts   No one needs a diviner to see and   the dictates of this new generation
                   and inheritance to their   also understand that we now have   of social media that they find them-
                   parents and the communi-  societies, communities, nations    selves in, there must be the open
         Cty at large. Like the arrows       and countries that are dealing with   arms of parents and older ones who
          in the quiver of a great warrior   a very disillusioned generation of   are rich enough in wisdom to help
          that are sent into the camp of the   young people who are so discon-  them navigate through.
          enemy to do damage and win wars,   nected from wisdom and truth. It’s
          so are children the gifts that are sent   like a very heavy veil of sorcery is   Somehow, based on whatever
          into the future to both establish    covering our world and our young   parameters, we have somehow built
          the blessings of a lineage and also   people are mostly the ones bearing   our societies as a reactionary system
          continue the line of ancient wisdom.   the weight of this darkness. This, I   of living, churning out people who
          So how we raise them, where we     believe is largely because they were   are not stable in their minds about
          raise them, who are involved in the   born into a social media generation   what life really is about. So we have
          their formative years, and the health   that is steeped in unreal things, false-  more young people who are knowl-
          of the mental and spiritual environ-  hood, and mind bending manipula-  edgeable in many things that the so-
          ment that we help them develop     tive narratives, so they really do not   ciety is throwing at them, but dull of
          even as they grow, will determine   have antecedent from the pre-inter-  spirit and the mental ability to really
          how much of the family blessing    net age that will help them find safe   apply wisdom to life. So they live life
          they will establish in the future. And   spaces outside of the generation   from a very selfish and self-centered
          because the future is just the very   that they are born into. They are not   point of view. They go through life
          next unknown second, minute, day   able to think back and pull strength   with a warped mindset that life is
          or year, every minute counts when it   from pre-internet experiences.   a battle or competition with others
          comes to doing the right thing with   They just don’t have it to pull from.   and that they must be the winner.
          regard to raising our children.    Meaning that for them to live above   But the truth is, in as much as many

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