Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 33

                                                                                         Health & Healing

          Abortifacient Brief:

          The Intrauterine Device

          By Brian Clowes, PhD| January 5, 2022 |

                   he intrauterine device    •   It releases ions that interfere   local phenomenon. That these
                   (IUD) is a foreign body      with fertilization              devices prevent nidation [implanta-
                   inserted into the uter-   •   It thickens the cervical mucus  tion] of an already fertilized ovum
          Tus. IUDs are made of a            •   It inhibits sperm capabilities  has been accepted as the most likely
          non-reactive plastic such as poly-  These are all purely contraceptive   mechanism of action.”2 The Food
          ethylene and may include active    effects.                           and Drug Administration (FDA)
          chemicals or elements such as pro-                                    concurred in this assessment, find-
          gesterone or copper which slowly   But IUDs also irritate the endo-   ing that “IUDs seem to interfere in
          diffuse into the uterus over a period   metrium (the lining of the uterus)   some manner with the implantation
          of several years.                  and make it inhospitable to the    of the fertilized egg in the lining of
                                             blastocyst (the very early developing   the uterine cavity. The IUD does
          Is the IUD Abortifacient?          human being), which is an abortifa-  not prevent ovulation.”3
          Short answer: sometimes.           cient effect.
                                                                                Nothing has changed. The patient
          The intrauterine device has several   Nearly half a century ago, the   information pamphlets for all of
          contraceptive (non-abortive) effects  American Medical Association    the IUDs made today describe in
          •   It prevents sperm from fertiliz-  recognized that “the action of the   detail this abortifacient action. For
              ing ova                        IUDs would seem to be a simple     example, the PIP for the Skyla IUD

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