Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 36
Health & Healing
ongoing in Japan and several Euro-
pean countries.
To make abortifacients acceptable
to women, and to circumvent laws
designed to prohibit abortion, the
“family planners” realized that they
had to blur the line between contra-
ceptive and abortifacient action.
They could do this only by changing
the definition of “conception” from
fertilization [union of spermatozoa
and ovum] to implantation. Under
the new definition of “conception,”
if a device or drug ― such as an
IUD or Depo-Provera ― prevents
implantation, then no abortion
takes place. Under the new defini-
tion, abortion would only occur if a
chemical or device killed a preborn IUDs have confronted the anti-fer- pecially among women with unusu-
child who had already implanted tility industry with a number of ally-shaped uteri, or among women
in the endometrium (lining) of the forbidding problems, the greatest of who have IUDs inserted immedi-
uterus. which was the proven danger of the ately after childbearing. This shows
devices. This did not stop the IUD that IUDs are especially ill-suited for
The pro-abortionists’ continuing ag- manufacturers from turning a tidy use in developing countries, where
itation for a change in terminology profit by dumping their products anemia and malnutrition are often
finally bore fruit in 1965, when the on the poor women of developing endemic, especially among women
American College of Obstetrics and countries. and children.
Gynecology (ACOG) published its
first Terminology Bulletin, stating, Despite being faced with an ava- Naturally, long-acting birth control
“Conception is the implantation of lanche of lawsuits claiming damage that women cannot control is ideal
a fertilized ovum.” This semantic from its Copper-7 and Tatum-T for use by coercive governments.
subterfuge resulted in the Bulletin IUDs, Searle said that it would con- For three decades, right up to the
inventing two misleading terms for tinue to make IUDs for women in alleged end of its dreaded “one-
early abortion: “Post-conceptive developing countries under popu- child” program, nearly half of all
contraception” and “post-concep- lation control programs funded by Chinese women of childbearing
tive fertility control.” the United States and other Western age had IUDs implanted after their
countries. This is yet another exam- first birth because the only alterna-
The deception by the medical es- ple of the West’s “contraceptive im- tive the government gave them was
tablishment regarding the definition perialism” ― a willingness to dump immediate sterilization.
of “conception” coincided exactly unsafe and even lethal products
with its devaluation of the preborn on poor women of the developing Final Thoughts
child. Neither change in attitude nor world after judging them to be too The IUD is the perfect example of
terminology was based upon some risky for Western women. nature’s lack of tolerance for abuse.
revolutionary discovery in medi- The very idea of having a piece of
cal technology or knowledge: the Health risks associated with IUDs plastic or metal inserted into the
changes were made purely to further are a serious matter with grave im- body in order to cripple a healthy
the anti-life goals of the medical plications that are not immediately reproductive system should be re-
profession and the pro-abortionists. evident. All of the IUDs currently pugnant to women, but the anti-life
on the market have patient informa- mentality has advanced so far that
The IUD and Population tion pamphlets that warn about the millions of women are willing to
Control possibility of uterine perforation, es- risk the consequences.
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