Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 31


                                             and justice. She is the epitome of
                                             humanity amidst the regular inter-
                                             ference of our peaceful coexistence
                                             in the world. The plight of the poor
                                             and less fortunate do not cross her
                                             ears, without her empathizing with
                                             the situation. What a caring mother.
                                             When an Afrikan woman exhib-
                                             its distress, then the health of the
                                             Afrikan continent remains in limbo.
                                             On the contrary, when she is happy
                                             and content, the more productive
                                             we become. When everything in our
                                             lives seems not be going as desired,
                                             then we go back to our mother, the
                                             Afrikan woman who will always lend
                                             a listening ear and provide uncondi-
                                             tional support.

                                             Little would be said about their
                                             sacrifices. However, multiple studies
                                             have confirmed that our Afrikan
                                             women fought side by side with
                                             Afrikan liberators so that they would
          that they are fed and healthy.     guarantee their subsequent gener-
          An Afrikan woman is a spiritual    ations lives worth living. Nonethe-
          woman. She connects innately with
          the supernatural and brings meaning   less, these brave women were the
          into life. She is full of energies stem-  foundation blocks that connected
                                             their present and future generations
          ming from within her and reverber-  unto whom the latter were to see the
          ates the trajectory of life influencing   realization of true freedom from the
          the socio network of our very ex-
          istence. In her spiritual disposition,   hands of the imperialists.
          she demystifies the good and evil in   Make no mistake, the Afrikan
                                             woman exhibits a towering presence
          our society.
                                             as far as the corporate and national
                                             leadership are concerned. Majority
          What you may not understand
          about the sophisticated nature of   of Afrikan organizations would
          this Afrikan queen are the things   be registering dismal performance
                                             should they fail to incorporate wom-
          she has to go through to earn her   en in key decision making positions.
          place. Being the conceiver of life,   What would even be worse is the
          she takes it upon herself to bring up
          families. Despite being at the face of   continent’s failure to integrate their
          frequent challenges skewed against   disciplined approach toward eco-
                                             nomic activities that foster wealth
          her gender, she always holds her   creation.
          head up high. The Afrikan way of
          life does not give her any room for
          failure, and on many occasions she   As the world around gets preoc-
          is forced to take up the roles pegged   cupied with celebrating Valentine’s
                                             Day, why don’t you the son and
          on both a mother and father. Surely,   daughter of the soil get to learn and
          our Afrikan women deserve to be    appreciate the Afrikan woman for
          given a break.
                                             her ‘Wow’ values.
          A masterclass in her own right, the
          Afrikan woman presents fairness

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 20 | FEBRUARY 2022      31
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