Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 35

Health & Healing

          •   deep embedding of the IUD (a
              serious problem in developing
              countries, where women may
              have had the devices in their
              uteri for a decade or more)
          •   fragmentation of the IUD
          •   development of hydatidiform
          •   salpingitis (inflammation of the
              uterine tubes)
          •   pelvic inflammatory disease
              (PID, which often leads to infer-  1970s.                         1995, but this number had risen to
              tility or sterility)           A.H. Robin Pharmaceuticals made    about 9% by 2017.
                                             the Dalkon Shield IUD from 1971    Why Is This Abortifacient
          This is nothing new. Until about   to 1974. Documented reports of     Called a Contraceptive?
          1960, the medical community        severe injuries began to surface   When discussing abortifacient
          generally condemned IUDs because   almost immediately after initial   means of birth control, the “family
          of their severe side effects. Alan   distribution, and on 29 June 1975,   planners” call us pro-lifers “anti-sci-
          Guttmacher, former President of    the FDA announced it intended to   ence” when we claim that the IUD
          the Planned Parenthood Federation   “require special warning notices for   causes early abortions. They say that
          of America, said in 1959, “Intrauter-  users of the intrauterine devices, the   human life begins at implantation,
          ine devices are mentioned only to be   contraceptives that were linked to 43   not fertilization.
          thoroughly condemned because of    deaths in recent years.”           But there is no logical reason to
          their ineffectiveness, their potential                                make this claim. What is the dif-
          source for infection and irritation, as   A.H. Robin pulled the Dalkon   ference between the early human
          well as their carcinogenic potential.”  Shield from the market in 1975.   being (blastocyst) the hour before it
                                             By 1985, 13,000 women had sued     implants and the hour after?
          Although IUD technology had not    the company for damages relating
          advanced in the slightest, the entire   to sterility, miscarriages and pelvic   an implanted blastocyst in the uterus
          medical community performed an     infections. Incredibly, some popula-  Whenever there is such confusion,
          abrupt about-face in the mid-1960s   tion controllers, including Stephen   we may find the answer in the dis-
          and began to accept the device. But   Mumford and Elton Kessel ― who   honest manipulation of terminology
          serious complications were docu-   peddle the dangerous sterilizing   by the “family planners.”
          mented almost immediately. In 1974,   chemical quinacrine in developing
          the FDA summarized complaints      countries ― have tried to sanitize   In 1963, the United States Depart-
          received about the various IUDs on   the image of the Dalkon Shield so   ment of Health, Education and Wel-
          the market at that time.           that it can make a comeback.       fare (HEW) defined “abortion” as
                                                                                “all the measures which impair the
          The FDA had received reports of    Ortho Pharmaceuticals withdrew     viability of the zygote at any time
          238 cases of spontaneous septic    its Lippes Loop from the American   between the instant of fertilization
          abortion from women who had        market in 1985, and G.D. Searle    and the completion of labor.”
          become pregnant with IUDs in       withdrew its Copper-7 and Tatum-T
          place. Of these women, 21 died.    IUDs in 1986 when its liability in-  Until the mid-1960s, scientists
          The Dalkon Shield was involved in   surance lapsed. Searle also faced 775   universally acknowledged that
          14 of these deaths and 209 cases   lawsuits from women who suffered   conception happened at the mo-
          of septic abortion, and the Lippes   injuries from their IUDs or who   ment of fertilization of the ovum
          Loop caused 5 deaths and 21 septic   conceived babies with birth defects   by the spermatozoa somewhere in
          abortions.                         when the devices did not work      the Fallopian tube. But pro-abor-
                                             properly.                          tionists and population controllers
          Overall, there were about          Because of widespread negative     already had their sights set on a shift
          15,000 IUD‑related hospital‑       publicity, only 1% of women using   from contraceptive to abortifacient
          izations annually in the early     birth control were on the IUD by   methods of birth prevention, and
                                                                                abortifacient research was already

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 20 | FEBRUARY 2022      35
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