Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 34

Health & Healing

                                                                                   (ParaGard), which consists of a
         says that one of its mechanisms of   which was the most popular IUD in    flexible T-shape containing cop-
         action is “alteration of the endome-  use for several years in the United   per collars on both arms and a
         trium.”                            States, was of this type. It was with-  copper coil along the stem and
                                            drawn from the market in 1984 due      is supposedly good for six years
         In summary, every IUD ever man-    to a number of maternal deaths.        of sterility.
         ufactured prevents implantation,                                      •   The second type of IUD is
         meaning that they are all abortifa-  Other IUDs, including the Proges-    loaded with a total of 52 milli-
         cients.                            terone-T, were loaded with varying     grams of levenorgestrel (LNG
                                            doses of progesterone crystals that    an artificial progestin) and
         These devices ensure that the uterus   were usually suspended in silicone   releases it at a rate of about 20
         is as barren and hostile to new life   oil. This IUD released about 24    micrograms per day, declining
         as a desert. In fact, this abortifacient   milligrams of progesterone a year.   to 14 micrograms per day after
         action is so efficient that scientists   It was originally promoted under   five years.10 Liletta and Mirena
         recommending the IUD for “emer-    the truly Orwellian label “Uterine     are in this class of IUD.
         gency contraception” note that only   Therapeutic System.”            •   The third type is the lower-dose
         one in 1,100 women will remain                                            IUDs, which have 13.5 to 19.5
         pregnant after inserting the device   The copper IUDs (including the      grams of levenorgestrel and are
         from two days to two weeks after   “Copper-7,” “Copper-T” and             effective for about three years.
         their last unprotected intercourse.  “Tatum-T”) discharged from 50 to     The Skyla and Kyleena IUDs
                                            75 micrograms of ionic copper into     are in this class.
         Controversy over the IUD           the uterus each day. These copper
         The first modern-day IUD, the      ions interfere with the life-sustaining   Complications Associated
         Grafenberg Ring, was placed on     functions that regulate implantation
         the market in 1915. Several other   of the new human life in the uterus.   with IUD Use
         companies immediately saw the      Copper has been proven to be the   According to their patient infor-
         opportunity for profit, and by the   active agent in these IUDs because   mation pamphlets, complications
         mid-1930s, there was a proliferation   identical devices are ineffective with-  associated with the IUDs in current
         of IUDs for sale. They sported     out the element. Each copper IUD   use include:
         intimidating names such as the     is effective at causing early abortions
         Sterilette, the Collar-Button, the   for about four years.            •   sterility
         Wishbone, the Silkworm Pust, and   There are five IUDs currently [in   •   hemorrhage
         the Star.                          2022] available on the American    •   perforation of the uterus,
                                            market:                                colon, bladder, or small or large
         Some of the devices were of good                                          intestine
         quality, but many were made of     •   The first type is the non-hor-  •   cervical lacerations
         “cheaper, noncorrosive metals, or      monal Copper T 380A            •   cervical dysplasia (developmen-
         of celluloid, bakelite, and chromi-                                       tal abnormalities)
         um-plated metals rather than gold.”5
         According to one expert at the time,
         “Sometimes these [cheaper IUDs]
         were claimed to be made of solid
         gold in order to enhance the price,
         and a few practitioners took eco-
         nomic advantage of the need and
         ignorance of women.”

         More than 70 different types of
         IUDs have been manufactured over
         the last century. Some of these
         have consisted of polyethylene with
         barium sulfate so they could be de-
         tected by X-rays. The Dalkon Shield,

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