Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 29
worth noting, but his connection to
this continent of Afrika, by birth,
make him all the more noteworthy
based on the significance not only
of our beautiful continent, but also
of the role of the nation where he
was born (read more in Issue 9 of
Msingi Afrika Magazine).
When someone who is connected
to the land of the sound of God,
and the continent that births life,
corrupts his destiny by aligning with
darkness and does this to defile and
destroy many through the intermar- SpaceX launches its first super heavy-lift Starship SN8 rocket during a test from their
riage of iron and clay (brain and facility in Boca Chica, Texas / REUTERS
micro-chips) of Daniel chapter 2,
like Musk is attempting to do. When
someone like this invests so heavily and claims to be against the robot perception that they do – much
in the technology that is connected takeover. His choice of investments like with international movie ‘stars’
to the animation of the image of in AI, satellites, partnership with and musicians. Their businesses are
the beast, including thousands of NASA, push for brain chips and fronts, their funding comes from the
networked satellites in the heavens investment in self-driving vehicles… puppet masters, their impact comes
(with a planned 12000 by 2024) all these among his other activities from the established publicity and
that can be connected to blue beam and lifestyle choices begin to paint a propaganda system, and their plan
technology and create all manner picture from which one can observe is a part of an ancient plan that has
of deceptive holograms that can intent, attitude, perspective and been being pushed since before they
be projected to every corner of the belief. Some of his actions contra- were in diapers. But they are reveal-
earth (and you may have seen the dict his words e.g., against robots, ers of intent.
growth of very realistic massive yet investing in AI technology and
public holographic video displays in self-driving vehicles and even his This is why we must pay attention
China). When someone invests in personal relationships. to Musk and the ecosystem around
technology that can control minds, him – to mindfully track intent, pur-
homes, travel and equipment of a With this particular individual, we pose, timing and be able to develop
medical and personal nature… when cannot afford to be caught sleep- our own counter-strategies so as to
someone is facilitated to do this as ing like many were with Gates and escape the cages that are being built
part of a now easier to track global Bezos, who seemed like heroes yet for us. Like the 27,000 pieces of
script at a time when the globalists were filled with destructive agendas orbital debris, or space junk floating
are going all out to play some very which they implemented. We must aimlessly and at high speeds in our
big cards… we must pay attention be on high alert, very wise about earth’s orbit, so is there junk in our
to them. our responses and careful not to be society, institutions that are disasters
reactive. Remember, a Musk, Gates, waiting to happen. Thus, you must
Bezos, Branson and all others who guard your minds, your heart, watch
Their hearts are exposed by a
combination of things such as their have come before them or shall your environment, be a critical
actions, words, choices, supporters, come after, are simply the tools thinker, ask questions, be ready to
investments, networks, lifestyles used to sow the seeds. Behind them push out things that you thought
etc. Elon’s thoughts on coups and are the real plotters, and around were good for you but are not. And
the arrogance of those who carry them, often unseen, are the ones above all, pay attention to what
them out, careless utterances about who do the running around to build God is telling you and be ready at
cryptocurrency which affected lives the structures required to sustain all times to do whatever He says to
around the world, opinions on the plan that these mouthpieces you. Your entire life and family may
mRNA vaccines and their abili- are selling. They often do not have just depend on it.
ty to transform the human body their own money, there is just a