Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 28


          other. This man who speaks what-   will laugh at you and mock you and   is the perfect tool for this kind of
          ever comes to his mind and who     say, “But couldn’t you see it coming?   sorcery: shiny new cars and gadgets,
          people have come to expect that    Shut up and enter the global prison   virtual reality metaverses, chips
          from. The one who said this in 2020   we have set up; you already signed   and exoskeletons that make people
          in a later-deleted tweet in response   your rights over to us a long time   stronger or faster, robot soldiers,
          to another Twitter user about a coup   ago!” You will then ask, “When did   soldier dogs and so on. Meanwhile,
          that took place in Bolivia in 2019:  we sign over our rights and agree   the real thing that is going on, the
                                             to live like prisoners in our own   actual prison system that is being
          @historyofarmani: “You know what   world? We believe in democracy     built is ignored. Financial monitor-
          wasn’t in the best interest of people?   and freedom of speech and all the   ing systems, spyware on devices and
          the US government organizing a     things that make up for a life of   online, ‘security’ cameras which are
          coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia   liberty!” They will say, “Oh, you did   used to record the movements and
          so you could obtain the lithium    it step by step. Remember Covid 19?   activities of citizens, rigid controls
          there.”                            Remember the ‘global financial cri-  over travel using police or ‘borders’,
          @elonmusk: “We will coup whoever   sis’? Remember the ‘environmental   tracking and spying devices dis-
          we want! Deal with it.”            crisis’? Remember when you voted   guised as smartphones, health and
                                             for greater security protocols around   food systems which are supposedly
          He later clarified that Tesla uses   the world to help protect your   improved yet are actually poisoning
          lithium from Australia, but what a   family from ‘terrorists’? You gave   and entrapping the world. And peo-
          beautiful window into the heart of   us the green light to do whatever   ple will say, “An apple that doesn’t
          the man who is the current poster   we wanted. And, seriously, did you   rust? I like that!!! Oranges and lem-
          child for the globalists.          really think we were doing all that   ons with no seeds? Perfect for mass
          The planned future of the glo-     for your BENEFIT?!”                food or juice production. Bring it
          balists’ dreams is unfolding right                                    on.” Seems like a small thing, but it
          before your very eyes, and I am not   Right now, the people who are   isn’t. People are embracing unnat-
          sure how many warnings or indi-    easiest to capture are those who are   ural and perverse things as though
          cators you need in order for you to   besotted with the idea of what is be-  they are normal, never once thinking
          understand that the trap that they   ing built, believing it to be the next   what the big picture is. Therefore,
          are laying is for you, your children   step in human evolution and willing   never resisting. Therefore, signing
          and your grandchildren. And, rest   to turn on their brothers and sisters   over their rights to the globalists,
          assured, the trap is being laid and   in hatred and anger for their ‘con-  one at a time.
          the plan for it has been in progress   spiracy theories’ and resistance to
          for centuries. It is not a casual thing.   so-called advancement and progress.   So, while Richard Branson and
          Each generation has its person who   These ones are already dancing on   Jeff Bezos were allowed to dance
          is used to mastermind, push for and   the lips of the cages that will hold   around on the outskirts of ‘space’,
          implement a phase or an aspect of   them bound. These ones who idol-  with their highly symbolic virginal
          what is needed on the ground and   ize movie stars, authors, singers and   and phallic vessels, Elon Musk is
          if you stand idly by watching and   tech billionaires, and who actually   being allowed into space with his
          worshiping at the feet of men like   believe that Mr Gates has everyone’s   Dragon spacecraft, also powerfully
          Musk, Gates or Bezos, you will find   best interests at heart. The ones   symbolic for those familiar with the
          yourself in the unenviable posi-   who are pretending their 3-year-old   book of Revelation. Elon Reeve
          tion where they and their masters   children are 5 years old and there-  Musk is the current poster child to
          will turn on you one day. Taking   fore qualify to be vaccinated against   keep a close eye on. Elon (oak tree)
          away all the ‘rights’ and ‘liberties’   Covid.                        Reeve (local administrator or official
          you thought you had. Taking away                                      charged with enforcement… or to
          what limited choices you have left   The world has been trained to be   pass something through a hole or
          considering that you may already   captured easily by razmataz and    opening) Musk (a substance with a
          have assented to mandatory medical   fancy displays. The things that make   strong-smelling persistent odor) rep-
          treatment, mandatory paperwork,    people go “oooh!!!” in amazement,   resents a strong enforcer, charged
          mandatory living conditions, man-  or “woohoo!” in excitement. Those   with taking advantage of a loophole
          datory movement tracking and so    are simply spells that have been   to leave or deposit a strong and
          on. And, as you protest in unbelief   cast to take over the minds of men,   persistent odor or idea or sugges-
          at the audacity of their actions, they   women and children. Technology   tion. His investments in AI alone are

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