Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 44

Food Health

          Climate breakdown and its im‑
          pact in Asia

          Agriculture is very climate depen-
          dent. When the climate changes,
          it disturbs ecosystem. Changes in
          temperature, precipitation, and sun-
          light affect the condition of arable
          land, livestock and water sources. In
          a domino effect, changes in the cli-
          mate set off a chain of events that
          alter anything from flowering and   Agroecological farmers from Barangay Bisaya, Batangas, the Philippines. Photo:
          harvesting seasons to the moisture   MASIPAG
          balance in farmland, as well as the
          intensity of pest attacks. An increase   29% of the world’s meat, and nearly   in the last 20 years, destroying as
          in temperature alters underground   50% of the world’s green vegeta-  much as USD $42 million worth of
          water levels, water temperature,   bles, but it is also a major importer   crops. Fish farmer, Abdur Rashid
          and ground water quality. All this   of animal feed from international   of the Lebubunia village in Gabura,
          impacts the quantity and quality   markets. Climate change would not   Satkhira, lost a third of an acre of
          of food production, which, at its   only greatly affect China’s agricul-  his fishpond to Amphan and again
          turn impacts the rural economy, the   ture, with broad implications for its   by heavy floods in August, plung-
          income of producer households as   food security, but it could also shake   ing him into poverty, forcing his
          well as the revenue of entire nations.   global food prices.          3 children to quit school. Another
          For example, in India, it’s Economic                                  farmer, Abdus Samad in Kalmati,
          Survey has cautioned that climate   No Asian country is spared from   Lalmonirhat had his field flooded
          change could reduce annual agricul-  climate disasters. Food and agricul-  by cyclone water. When it receded,
          tural incomes in the range of 15%   ture productions have always been   he planted vegetables in 2 acres,
          to 18% on an average, and up to    victims of climate vagaries in this   but only to be later ruined by flash
          25% for unirrigated areas.         region. In 2019, Thailand suffered   floods in August. He planted again.
                                             a USD $657 - $821 million loss due   Another flood in October washed
          Beyond India, Asia as a region is   to prolonged droughts, followed   this and the rest of his investments
          expected to be one of the hardest   by heavy floods, in its rice growing   away.9 As a whole, the Bangladesh
          hit in the world by global warm-   north and northeast regions, causing   fish industry suffered a loss of
          ing.4 The Intergovernmental Panel   a 100,000 tonne drop in rice pro-  USD$ 2.89 million from Amphan
          on Climate Change (IPCC) warns     duction, almost 8% of its export.  and USD $56.4 million due to rains
          that more frequent and intense heat                                   and floods in 2020.
          waves in Asia will increase mortality   In Indonesia, the annual loss of
          and morbidity in vulnerable groups.   agricultural and horticulture crops   India’s climate disaster story is quite
          While more frequent floods and     has become quite common due to     similar. According to its Parliamen-
          droughts and their negative impact   untimely rains and floods. Already   tary Standing Committee on Ag-
          on rice farming will exacerbate rural   this year, in early January, Indonesia   riculture, losses due to the climate
          poverty in parts of the region.    suffered major flooding, devastating   crisis are to the tune of 4-9% of
                                             209,884 hectares of agricultural land   the agricultural economy each year,
          China, which feeds 20% of the      in 12 districts.                   which is an overall GDP loss of
          world’s population from only 8%                                       1.5%.
          of the world’s arable land, has been   For Bangladeshi farmers, the loss
          experiencing an increasingly uneven   of crops, homes and livelihoods to   Hailstorms followed by heavy rains
          distribution of precipitation in the   cyclones and floods is not unusual.   are quite common to northern India
          water supply between the south and   However, for them 2020 was partic-  and Pakistan, but they are now
          north of its territory and is being   ularly devastating. Cyclone Amphan   also striking drought prone regions
          hit more frequently and intensively   caused agricultural losses estimated   like Maharashtra and Telengana at
          by extreme climate events.6 China   at USD $72 million in May, but then   the peak of their summer season.
          produces 18% of the world’s grains,   came the longest and worst flood   In April 2019, hail struck Latur in

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