Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 25


          whether a girl or a boy misbehaving,   And so I would say that, as Afrika   up to pursue his mandate in re-
          please don’t call law enforcement.   we need to create conversation, then   pairing these breeches that exist
          Intervene, try as much as you can to   also know how to tell our stories,   in society what it’s like and what
          have a conversation with that child,   and it’s the other thing that we also   is going on behind the scenes
          because when you call law enforce-  encourage boys to do.             that sometimes we’re just not
          ment they’ll come and do their                                        honest with ourselves about. So,
          work, and a child who is broken, the   There’s this boy who had been   I just want to round up by saying
          child will be broken even more. I   released from a juvenile center   this, if  you want to connect with
          remember someone telling me that   and he was asking, “But since my   John Wills get in touch with us,
          there are some issues in the society,   records are wrong, will I ever get a   we will put you in touch immedi-
          or rather how a child behaves, that   job somewhere?” And my question   ately.
          will require a child being taken to a   to him was, “Why do you think   I feel like there are people out
          police station. I know, yes, breaking   you need a job?” And he said, “To   there who are trying to figure out
          the law and all those things, those   make money.” “What else?” “To   ways in which to roll out pro-
          things happen. But why do we get   live a good life.” “What else?” “To   grams like he is and he already
          there? The reason we have 85% of   live in a good neighborhood.” “And   has this written down. We’ve told
          boys and men in prison compared    then what else?” And he said, “You   you oftentimes it’s not neces-
          to 15, 14 percent of women in      have so many questions. Can you    sary to start from scratch, you
          prison is simply that we are not en-  just give me a solution?” And so I   can plug into people across the
          gaging as a society. The reason why   told him, “Actually, what you need   continent, find out what they’re
          we have women every day crying of   is to function as a human being   doing and how they’re doing it,
          oppression even as the workplace is   and all those things that you have   get content like this that you can
          because we’re not engaging as men.   mentioned are motivated by fear. So,   immediately begin to implement
          So, for Brave Heart it is mainly to   you ended up in prison because of   on the ground and start to do the
          build a community and a society    resistance, you resisted something   work of  transforming. Of  course,
          that will help these young people   that you were not given a chance to   you’re going to adapt it to your
          be responsible, and ten years from   express, so you ended up in prison.   local context so that it is more
          now we can have a connection in    While prison, you were in denial   relevant, but in terms of  getting
          different Afrikan states where men   that this thing is not happening, and   foundational tools in order for
          are speaking the same language and   that’s what elevated your stress and   you to be able to build and re-
          it’s a language driven by vision and a   depression levels to manage the pain   build and reconstruct society the
          language driven by unity.          of rejection, of shame and guilt in   way that we need to and the way
                                             prison. And then when you’re leav-  that we need to do with the speed
          Yesterday I was watching a docu-   ing prison, you have fear. So you still   that we need to do it with, part-
          mentary on South Afrikan commu-    go back to where you were, so we   nerships, interactions, relation-
          nities; the Zulu and all that. And I   need to address these three things.”   ships are necessary. Afrika must
          realized the amount of wealth in   And he said,”It’s okay.” So I asked   once again become the connect-
          our history, it’s something that we   him, “What do you want to do?” He   ed vessel and tool that she needs
          need to study because of the kind   said, “I want to learn more.” I told   to be in order for the hearts and
          of unity that these people had, and   him, “Just go back to school. Just do   the minds of  men and women
          then when you look at what broke   that. When that time comes where   across the continent, young and
          the unity it’s capitalism. Every time   someone requires you to see your   old to be able to be restored and
          that community was defeated it’s   records, then you’ll have a conversa-  revitalized so that we can become
          simply because of capitalism. And   tion around it, but be present. And   and continue to be the life-giving
          every time they defeated the enemy,   what isolation also does, isolation   spirits that we are meant to be
          those who had come to invade, it’s   makes you live in the past, or live in   because that is our role.
          simply because they were function-  the future, you’re never present. And   Thank you so much for watching
          ing as human beings. And today, like   that’s why people don’t connect.  today. Thank you for allowing
          I have friends who are pastoralists                                   us to have this time with you, we
          and these people, are not stressed,   So you see why we had to talk   appreciate it.
          why, because they have human con-  to John Wills! It was absolutely
          nection and they are not addicted   imperative that you hear from the
          as we are to profits and such things.   heart of  someone who has stood

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022        25
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