Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 20
was dying she is one lady who died
empty, I must say, because she gave
All of these stories have founda-
tional impact. Absolutely. Not
just even for you, but now even
through your life to the lives of
True, and I think one of the things
that has helped me a lot is the
nuggets of wisdom that I received
from these people. One, from my
former high school principal, when
I was leaving, because from Form
2 to Form 4 I was a senior captain,
and I was never punished. So, he
said “There’s one thing I want you
to remember in life, that humility is
the most important thing.” And how
he did that he called me and said, “I
just want you to give me a chance
to spank you.” I said, “No. How
do you spank me? There’s nothing
I have done.” “No, no, no, I’ll tell
you why. So, allow me to spank you,
then I can tell you why.” I said,
“No.” He asked me “Do you trust
me?” I said, “Yes, I do.” “Then al-
low me to spank you.” I said, “No.”
So, I just agreed and he spanked me
and he said, “You know, when you
go out there always remember that
little pain that you felt as a reminder
you. If you can convince this num- getting married. And he’s a strang- that you are a product of this com-
ber of students to go home, then er. The third person is an elderly munity and you are not a self-made
I think you’re a resource.” So we lady who taught me a lot. I called man.”
walked together. After high school, her cucu (grandmother) because I Then, this other gentleman, for
I was heartbroken, because that was lived in their family. She used to run him there’s nothing big, as in there’s
a transition of separation from my a shop and she also used to cook nothing overwhelming for him.
father. for the guys who were involved Because he believes that God is
And then one time I was in a in construction around that place. present. He believes that we are here
meeting somewhere. These people And, by the end of the day, every for a purpose. And he also taught
who were praying for the country. evening she used to invite children me that money is not everything.
So, after the prayer meeting this and these kids would take whatever Human capital is the most import-
man walks to me and he says, “I is in that shop. And one time I asked ant thing. And he avoids ‘human
think God is asking me to be your her, “How does this business make capital’. He says, “Don’t be insu-
father-figure.” And so I told him, sense?” And she said, “No, it’s not lated. Make sure that you have the
“No, I don’t take those things of about this business making sense. human connection.” And for this
‘God said’. It’s okay, you can be my It’s about dignifying people. So there lady, she said, “Give the best you
friend.” The funny thing is that he is no way this child can go home can in the society.” So, as a result of
was consistent. And he walked with hungry when I have food here.” So, that for the work that I do, anything
me, even paid my dowry when I was she used to give a lot and when she that I am involved it’s to empower,
20 | we tell the true afrikan story