Page 86 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 86

Art & culture

                    rt comes in various      If you search online, you will     created within the vast spectrum

                    forms to every one of    probably  find  many  definitions   of the universe and then give it
          Aus. To some, their art            of photography and even            a piece of expression. So, when
          comes in the form of dancing,      art in general, which are all      you buy a painting, you are not

          singing,   painting,    creative   likely to be valid. But for me,    buying  art; you are  buying  a
          innovation, writing, playing       photography means:                 physical piece of art recreated
          musical  instruments,  making                                         from an already existing mental
          culinary masterpieces, or even     “the art of painting with light,   or spiritual piece of art.
          talking.  All of these are just    in which your camera is your

          snippets of the universe called    brush and the universe is your     It’s like when you take a photo
          art.                               canvas.”                           with your camera; the camera
                                                                                does not create the object you

          If there is  something  I enjoy    For me,  ART is an acronym         snapped; it is always there.
          doing, it is taking photos,        for the “Ability to Recreate       The camera was just your tool
          writing, singing and teaching.     Thoughts”.  And it makes a         for  recreating  that  which  was
          Even though I do not have a        whole lot of sense to me that      already there.  And that’s the
          favorite on the list, photography   it’s true that art in all its form   beauty of nature. Nature allows

          seems to have a different vibe.    is not what one creates because    us to take samples of herself and
          I guess I love the fact that I     one can think up something, but    never charges us for copyright
          can literally “grab” or “snap” a   what one recreates out of what     infringement. It’s just so lovely

          particular location within time    is created within the universe     to be able to do that.
          and “transfer” that location to    and which is projected to the
          somewhere else or store it in a    human mind through thoughts        Photography and stories
          device. It just feels terrific to be   and imaginations.
          able to do that.                                                      There are stories all around us

                                             The truth is, there is nothing     if we open our eyes to see them.
          Now, I tend to have definitions    new in the universe, and           Waking up in the morning to see
          for anything I am interested in,   creativity is really about taking   that beautiful shade of yellow-

          and it makes sense to me. I am     what  has  already been  created   gold light sipping through the
          that guy who hates being boxed     within the universe and giving it   window blind is a lovely story
          into a notion or ideology that     expression in the natural world,   of a new day and a new dose
          restricts my ability to have or    which means that you really        of life, and that is a story that
          create my ideology or thoughts     cannot think up something          not  everyone  will  have  the

          about  things  or  concepts.  If a   that does  not already  exist    opportunity to tell. Some people
          definition does not make sense     somewhere within the universe.     die in their sleep and never get
          to me or has exhausted its         Thus, a piece  of  art is  really   to see the sunrise.

          original  usefulness,  I  create  a   what it is: a piece of art and
          new one for myself.                not art itself. Art is the ability   Now, if photography is painting
                                             to recreate that which has been    with light, painting must mean

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