Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 83
Risks and Glyphosate “The weight of the evidence
indicates that in addition to
The International Agency for cancer and reproductive effects,
Research on Cancer officially glyphosate and GBHs have
ruled in 2015 that glyphosate significant adverse effects on the
is “probably carcinogenic.” brain and behavior and increase
While the U.S. Environmental the risk of at least some serious
Protection Agency contends neurological diseases.”
that there is “no evidence that Because of growing concerns
glyphosate causes cancer in that Roundup causes cancer
humans,” a growing number of and other serious adverse health
studies are examining links to effects, some countries in the
non-Hodgkin lymphoma and European Union have begun
other forms of cancer. banning glyphosate. Bayer has
paid billions of dollars to settle
A key piece of research that Roundup lawsuits in the U.S.
has shifted the discussion that allege glyphosate exposure
about Roundup and cancer is a caused plaintiffs’ cancer. In 2018,
2019 study from the University a jury in California awarded
of California, University of $289 million in damages to a
Washington and Icahn School plaintiff who alleged Roundup
of Medicine at Mount Sinai. was the primary cause of his
Researchers from the three terminal cancer. The verdict is
universities found that the risk under appeal.
of developing non-Hodgkin
lymphoma increased 41% for Tips for Reducing Glyphosate
high-exposure groups. The Exposure
authors stated, “Our current
meta-analysis of human People can avoid glyphosate
epidemiological studies use with several Roundup
suggests a compelling link alternatives. These include
between exposures to GBHs and manual or mechanical methods
increased risk for NHL.” of weed pulling, such as small
and large hand tools, tillers and
A number of studies including other mechanical methods.
a 2022 study from scientists
at the University at Albany’s Natural or organic herbicides
Department of Environmental whose active ingredients are
Health Science, School of Public vinegar or essential oils are also
Health and Institute for Health an option. Ask your local home
and the Environment are also and garden center for organic or
studying a possible association natural herbicides that do not
between glyphosate and autism. contain glyphosate.
The Albany authors concluded,