Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 79


                  here is a sound coming     and cities are in darkness. She

                  out of Africa. It’s a deep   bears the brunt of the falsehood
         Tsound coming from the              called climate change, which
          core of the existence of the heart   is  nothing  but  the  unintended

          of  Africans seeking change,       consequences of the modern
          justice, hope, a new dawn, you     irresponsible use of nature and
          name it. A sound that will shake   the wickedness of the hearts
          the very foundations of how        of men, while she contributes               Samuel Phillips
          things have always been in the     almost nothing to the menace.        is a writer, photographer, author of  several

          world.  It  is  a  sound  that  will   She is the river that feeds          books, and co-publisher of  Msingi
          disrupt the system that has ruled   other rivers, and  her  milk is      Afrika Magazine. He can be reached with:
          this world with impunity and       nourishment indeed to the souls

          cause people to begin to rethink   of those who call her third
          what humanity is about. It’s a     world.                             France on the people of Niger,
          sound that says it’s about time                                       sending  French  envoys  out  of
          things work in  Africa and for     But the time has come for change   the country and closing the
          Africans.                          to happen and for the old global   various companies and mines

                                             narrative to be challenged. I      from which the stealing of
          Africa has spent much of the       see that change in the likes of    natural  resources  was  taking
          past  five  centuries  being  the   the events going on in  West      place.  And the same thing is

          burden bearer for other nations    Africa. I saw that change when     going on in Mali, Chad and
          of the world, even though          the  people  of  Niger  Republic   Burkina-Faso.
          those  whom  she  has  suffered    rose to say enough of Western
          for are mostly ingrates who        and European imperialism and       Am I surprised at what is
          are quick to call her a slave      the corruption that was eating     happening in Niger? Not at all.

          the moment she seeks her true      the very foundations of the        I am just in amazement. When
          worth and value. As the mother     motherhood of Africa. The main     you take a look at the true
          of  humanity,  she  has  borne on   enemy  is France and  her dirty   meaning of the name Niger, you

          her back the burden and pain       tentacles had spread across the    will see why I am not surprised
          of nourishing her children for     land.                              but amazed.
          ages. Not appreciated and not
          even approved of as a mother       Somehow, out of the blue, Niger    From only God knows when,
          by  those  she  has  sweated  for,   Republic has become an icon      I have always thought that the

          she continues to bear the burden   for the fight for the freedom of   name Niger means “dark” or
          of mankind.                        Africa and the emancipation        “darkness”. I think that also
                                             of the “Black Race” from           informs why many think the

          She lights up Europe and           perpetual servitude to and the     name Nigeria means “the area
          America  with  her  natural        hegemony of the global north.      of darkness”. But this is not
          resources, while her home, town    Niger dismantled the hold of       true.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      79
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