Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 75


                                                                                producer? Do we not aspire

                                                                                to become like the so called
                                                                                entrepreneur who makes a
                                                                                fortune by appealing to the

                                                                                dreams and aspirations of the
                                                                                poor only to escape without
                                                                                fulfilling them? The answer to
                                                                                all these rhetorical questions
                                                                                is YES. These villains and

                                                                                scoundrels are heroes because
                                                                                material and money has
                                                                                become our God. We are

                                                                                willing to forgive and forget all
                                                                                as long as the lowlife criminal
                                                                                manages to make a fortune. We
          evil plot to rob others of their   I think it is wise to say a few    put a price tag on everything,
          possessions. It grows from         words on the heroes of our         even on our values and the
          ignorance of identifying one’s     time, for they illuminate the      precious human life. We have

          lot and the means necessary to     values we share as a society.      become insanity and stupidity
          attain it.                         We may ask, who really are         par excellence!
                                             our contemporary heroes?

          Among the Seven Deadly Sins,       Are they not the corrupted         Despite the pessimistic reality
          we are now left with sloth. The    who reap fortune by snatching      I witness, I remain optimistic.
          extremely lazy human being         from the destitute of the little   This is because we still have
          who doesn’t value hard work        they possess? Are they not         some hope for recovery. It was
          is dominated by lethargy. The      the tyrants who make false         not long ago that we embraced

          healthy human being knows the      promises to the people and         the sins, so some part of us
          value of rest so as to refresh     rule not through love but          still knows what virtue used
          and start anew. But sloth is a     intimidation? Are they not         to represent. The comfort

          permanent desire to rest and       the power craving and bigot        zone we created is not really
          never partake in the activities    leaders who try to extend their    comfortable. A sense of shame
          required to sustain life. It is    exploitation through divide        and discomfort is crucial
          irrational and incongruous to      and conquer? Are they not          to change. The process of
          want ones needs fulfilled but      the sluggish business people       healing humanity begins with

          never facilitate the means to      who do not know hard work          revaluation of values.
          attain them. This results in the   but only shortcuts? Are we
          person becoming a parasite and     not praising the merchant who

          the people who depend on him       takes pleasure in raising prices
          to be left unprotected.            and profiting more than the

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      75
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