Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 76
He alt h & healing
Health & healing
you might end up alone with
your thoughts.
I think of someone who
broke up from a long-term
relationship, and the breakup
has shattered their self-esteem
as they begin to feel like
they are not worthy of love.
Wondering if they will ever
find love again.
I think of the ladies in the baby
loss support group I started
Navigating Grief who had mentally planned to
celebrate the holiday with their
During the Holidays: growing babies but instead are
filled with pain and agony.
A Journey of Hope and Healing I think of the lady battling with
infertility who thought that
olidays are meant to to withdraw from festivities. this would be the year that she
be fun and festive, a There were times when I would conceive.
Hseason to look forward preferred to stay alone, wishing
to, to laugh and to celebrate, away the year as I grappled I think of those who lost one or
yet for those grappling with with profound losses. It might both of their parents within a
grief, the season can be an be the complete opposite short period.
overwhelming reminder of for others, wanting to party
loss. Grief, stemming from the sorrow away. In writing I think of the person who got
various sources such as job this, my heart resonates with a negative medical report and
loss, the end of a marriage or empathy for those trying to is not sure how their health is
relationship, or the passing of navigate the pain. going to progress.
a loved one, can cast a shadow
on the festive spirit. Perhaps someone is reading I think of the person who has
Grief takes on various forms this who separated from their lost a source of revenue, be it
and affects individuals spouse this past year, and this a job or their business, and sits
differently. Having experienced will be the first Christmas at night worried about finances
seasons of deep grief myself, where you will have to split the and debt.
I understand the inclination kids, which means some days Someone else may be feeling
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