Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 74


          others. We begin to chase a        are contrary to the reality. This   “Gluttony is an emotional

          phantom which keeps us awake       can be adjusted by examining       escape, a sign something is
          at night as we plot, filled with   the dire situation and handling    eating us.” The fear of scarcity
          greed. Such covetousness is        it in rational manner – to either   overshadows the rationality

          infectious to our own mental       alter the situation or accept it   required to acknowledge
          stability and to those around us.  and change our perspective.        when something is adequate
                                             But wrath breeds in the mind of    or enough. It is normal to eat
          Lust follows from such greed       the narcissist who is filled with   or drink in order to sustain
          to own everything. Having          greed and lust. The one whose      life, and sometimes to indulge

          a healthy sexual desire is         blinded by vanity refuses to       in fine meal and drinks. But
          expected of all human beings.      accept others have equal rights    gluttony leaves a person in
          It is essential for the survival   and freedom. A mind filled with    want, never satisfied, and

          of the human race and it is        wrath does not have the mental     always fearing lack while
          a symbolic physical act of         setup to face reality and, thus,   having excess.
          declaring love and union with      becomes an agent of distraction
          the opposite sex we attaché        to the self and others. Maya       The person who is greedy
          ourselves to. Yet a sheer          Angelou once said: “Bitterness     enough to take possession of

          physical desire to fornicate       is like cancer. It eats upon the   something or someone, but not
          with everyone we set our           host. But anger is like fire. It   have the righteous means to
          sights to begets lust. Such        burns all clean.”                  attain them becomes envious.

          a desire is an ailment to the                                         Envy is a disease that can
          person’s mental stability and      Gluttony (excessive eating)        potentially drive the mind to
          brings emotional and physical      comes creeping into our mind       insanity. The desire to toil
          sickness to anyone with            as we think we own everything.     and reach the same level as
          whom the lustful crosses path.     The archetype of gluttony          others is a health human desire.

          Bearing in mind how pride          craves to consume excess           However, the envious mind
          begets greed and greed begets      amount of food and beverage.       does not have work in his or
          lust, we will move onto the        The American novelist, Peter       her vocabulary. The normal

          other forms of excess.             De Vries (1910 - 1993) wrote,      desire is substituted by an

          Continuing with the list of
          deadly sins, we now deal with         While going through the classical writings,
          Anger. Wrath or anger is an          which we currently may presume as ‘a waste

          excess display of emotion that           of time,’ one finds elaborated discourse
          takes control of our rational           regarding ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’. They
          faculty. It is normal, and

          at times acceptable, to feel             are: Vanity, Covetousness (greed), Lust,
          disappointment and displeasure                Anger, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth.
          in our minds when our dreams

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