Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 77

Health & healing

                                             Wash your face and trust             the men were talking of stoning
                                             God for the New Year                 him; each one was bitter in
                                             After the tears have been shed       spirit because of his sons and
                                             and the pain acknowledged,           daughters. But David found
                                             get back up again, wash your         strength in the Lord his God.”
           Mercy Chege Omari,
           media professional and            face and trust God. Drawing          1st Samuel 30:3-6 NIV
           counselling psychologist.         inspiration from the biblical        I pray that God will wrap
                                             account of David, who wept           you with His love and give

          stuck, feeling like they are not   over his losses but eventually       you extra strength during
          where they thought they would      found strength, we learn the         the holidays. Despite the
          be by now.                         importance of honest emotional       shadows, may His light of
          Nothing I say can make the         expression and getting back up       hope guide us, and may the
          pain go away, but allow me to      again amid grief. After weeping      coming year bring healing,
          share a few insights that have     until he had no strength left,       strength, and opportunities for
          helped me navigate through my      he found solace and strength in      new beginnings. In the words
          own grief.                         the Lord.                            of Psalms 23, may God’s
          A quote that I have made my        “When David and his men              comforting presence lead us
          own for every end of the year      reached Ziklag, they found           through the valleys to green
          is one by John Piper that says,    it destroyed by fire and their       pastures.
           “Occasionally weep deeply         wives and sons and
          over the life you hoped would      daughters taken captive.
          be. Grieve the losses. Then        So David and his men
          wash your face. Trust God. And     wept aloud until they had
          embrace the life you have.”        no strength left to weep.
                                             David’s two wives had

          Weep and acknowledge the           been captured—Ahinoam
          pain                               of Jezreel and Abigail,
                                             the widow of Nabal of

          Give yourself permission to        Carmel.  David was
          mourn, recognizing that it’s       greatly distressed because
          okay not to be okay. The world
          may encourage you to smile
          and be strong, but allowing
          yourself time to grieve is a       Mercy is a wife and mommy of 3,
          vital step toward healing.         one amazing boy here and two boys in heaven. If not writing or playing with her son
          Acknowledge the hurt instead       Manuel, you’ll find her wherever people are: talking, encouraging, sharing a meal
          of minimising it or ignoring       and having a good laugh! She is a media professional and counselling psychologist
          it like the pain does not exist.   who seamlessly combines her passion for communication and her desire to encourage
          If you can, see a professional     people. Through her writing, she aims to share her faith, wisdom and insights gained
          counselor, talk to someone who     from her diverse background and lived experience offering readers a fresh perspective
          allows you to be vulnerable and    on healing. She is the author of the book “Hope for a Grieving Heart” and leads
          talk to God.                       support groups for women that are going through child loss. Join her on her mission
                                             to inspire and uplift through her words. Her Social Media handles are @mercysmiley
                                             on Instagram and Mercy Chege Omari on Facebook.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      77
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