Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 82
Food health
Common Side Effects of
Glyphosate Exposure
Interaction with glyphosate
may lead to a variety of side
effects, the severity of which
depends on the amount and
duration of contact. The most
common health issues stem
from inhalation or skin contact.
Side effects of glyphosate
Monsanto, a U.S.-based Glyphosate Exposure from
agrochemical and agricultural Drinking Water and Food • Asthma
biotechnology conglomerate, • Burns in the mouth and
manufactured Roundup from The Environmental Working throat
1974 to 2018, when Bayer Group recently commissioned • Diarrhea
bought the company. In 2021, several rounds of testing in food • Eye irritation
Bayer announced it would to detect the presence of the • Increased saliva
remove lawn and garden chemical. It found glyphosate • Nausea
products containing glyphosate in 95% of the wheat samples • Respiratory irritation
from the U.S. market in 2023. tested. Glyphosate in food and • Skin irritation
drinking water raises concerns • Vomiting
Other Roundup products about its potential public impact.
containing glyphosate include: National Pesticide Information
Foods found to contain Center studies show that
• Glyphomax Plus glyphosate include: glyphosate leaves the body
• Roundup UltraDry soon after it’s ingested. Humans
• Roundup UltraMax • Chicken flour pass the chemical through urine
• Touchdown 5 • Crackers and feces without changing its
• Touchdown IQ • Dried pasta chemical composition.
• Lentils
Glyphosate is also used in • Oats To help prevent skin irritation
aquariums to control algae and • Pizza and other adverse side effects,
weed growth. Some popular health experts recommend
aquarium herbicide brands Most food safety regulatory wearing protective clothing,
include AquaPro Aquatic, bodies say the levels of such as long-sleeved shirts
Roundup Custom Herbicide and glyphosate found in food are safe and long pants. Masks are
AquaNeat. Users must exercise for humans. But other experts recommended for those who
caution when applying these question the long-term health spray the herbicide. Avoid any
products in aquariums because effects of continuous exposure direct contact with glyphosate.
they can harm aquatic life. to such a potent chemical.
Long-Term Effects, Cancer
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