Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 80


                                             of that word.  Translated in
          The name Niger means “river of     Arabic as nahr al-anhur “river
          rivers”.                           of rivers.”

          According to  Wikipedia, the       No better name fully expresses
          name comes from the Niger          the identity of Africa than the
          River  which  flows  through  the   “river  of rivers” which is  the
          west of the country. The origin    reality of Niger.
          of the river’s name is uncertain.

          Alexandrian         geographer     The concept of “river of rivers”
          Ptolemy wrote descriptions of      clearly indicates a source of all
          the wadi Gir (in neighbouring      other sources. And this is true

          modern  Algeria)  and  the  Ni-    of Africa, for she is Alkebulan,
          Gir (“Lower Gir”) to the south,    which means the mother and
          possibly referring to the Niger    source of humanity on earth. But
          River.  The modern spelling        why is Africa and, by extension,
          Niger  was  first  recorded  by    Niger in such a deplorable and

          Berber scholar Leo Africanus in    weak state, even with all her      of the Nigerien military junta to
          1550, possibly derived from the    resources?                         remove France from Niger by
          Tuareg phrase gher-n-gheren                                           all means, it was the sound of

          meaning “river of rivers”. There   The answer to the question         liberty that was playing.
          is broad consensus among           of the so-called poverty of
          linguists that it does not derive   Niger is the same answer to       Let  the  river  of  rivers  now
          from the Latin niger (“black”) as   the so-called poverty of Africa.   flow
          was  first  erroneously  believed.   Niger, just like  Africa, is not

          The standard pronunciation         poor, deplorable or unable to      I pray for you, great people of
          in  English  is  /niːˈʒɛər/,  while   govern herself; she is just made   Niger. You have taken massive
          in some  Anglophone media /        destitute by the same hands that   steps towards ridding your

          ˈnaɪdʒər/ is also used.            have kept Africa as their farm.    land of the hands that cause
                                             And not to sound like one is       desolation and death while
          Also, according to etymonline,     trying to blame others or to       sounding the trumpet of liberty
          Niger  was  named  for the  river   put  the  responsibility  for  the   for all other nations of Africa.
          Niger, mentioned by that           poverty in Niger on foreigners     May you be strengthened

          name 1520s (Leo  Africanus),       and foreign agendas only,          massively to complete what
          probably an alteration (by         but just like  Africa, Niger is    you have started and to create
          influence of Latin niger “black”)   deliberately kept poor by those   a better Niger Republic that

          of a local Tuareg name, egereou    who profit from her poverty or,    is worthy of emulation by all
          n-igereouen, from egereou “big     let me say, her wealth. So, when   Africans.
          river, sea” + n-igereouen, plural   you hear of the decisive move

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