Page 22 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 22



          Road to


                 he route to wholeness is
                 fraught with difficulties,
          Toften              resembling
          plodding through hazardous
          mud while carrying invisible
          weights. Progress may appear
          elusive, but it is often our       Trying To Please Everyone:         you are afraid and cling to the
          unwillingness to let go of certain   It’s normal to want to make      familiar, let go, venture out of
          areas of our lives that holds      people happy, but not at the       your comfort zone, and find the
          us back. Let us look at some       expense of your own happiness.     unexpected.
          of the factors that can block      Trying to live up to everyone’s
          our progress towards a more        expectations is tiresome and       Negative      Mindset:     Our
          satisfying life. If you cling to   impossible. It is not only         thoughts are wired to focus
          any of these, they could be the    permissible but also crucial, to   on the negative as a survival
          anchors that keep you trapped.     say  ‘no’  when  necessary.  You   mechanism.     This    intrinsic
                                             must first appreciate yourself in   tendency can be as burdensome
          Living In  The Past: Our lives     order to be valued by others.      as a heavy bag. Seek positivity
          have been formed by an                                                through being thankful, looking
          unchangeable tapestry of events    Resisting Change:                  for silver linings amid hardship,
          from  our  history.  Dwelling  on   Change is a continual force       and surrounding yourself with
          previous failures, regrets, and    in life, like a  never-ending      optimistic people.
          disappointments is like carrying   river. Resisting change is like
          a  heavy  burden  that  stifles    attempting to hold your breath     Lack Of Self-Belief:
          growth. Regret will not change     in  a  fast-flowing  river,  which   Self-doubt is frequent.  When
          what has occurred. To progress,    will inevitably carry you away.    we doubt our worth, knowledge,
          learn from the past, gather        Accepting  change  opens  up       or courage, we often assume
          useful lessons, and go on with a   new chances, new experiences,      our aspirations are impossible.
          lighter heart and a clearer mind.   and a more vivid existence. If    Recognize your undiscovered

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