Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 47

Food health

          The kernels inside the seeds       West Indies. And everywhere it     and Namibia seem likely to

          are commonly compared to           grows, people enjoy the shade      provide the genetic means
          macadamia nuts.                    cast by  its  feathery foliage,    for creating new varieties,
                                             not to mention the curiously       new  seed  foods,  new  pickles,

          8. Melon                           sweet-sour pulp found inside       and new types of watermelon
          The     melon      (canteloupe,    its brittle, grey-brown pods.      fruits with unusual colors,
          muskmelon; Cucumis melo,           What is not widely known is        shapes,  sizes,  and  flavors.  It
          Cucurbitaceae) is one of the       that tamarind is actually from     is entirely possible that genes
          two  African  fruits  that  are    western Africa.  The  original     from Africa’s wild types could

          known around the world.  All       wild   version,   a    common      soon spark a watermelon rebirth
          the warmer regions produce it,     savanna tree, can be found over    worldwide.
          of course, and millions enjoy      an  area  stretching from  the

          a melon for breakfast, lunch,      Atlantic seaboard to the verge     Now, concerning the thought
          or dessert.  Today’s melons        of Central  Africa’s rainforests   around the lost fruits of Africa,
          are based almost entirely on       and east. Senegal’s capital is     the only reason why these
          seeds carried out of  Africa,      named for this tree, which in the   fruits are considered ‘lost’ is
          probably on the backs of camels    local  Wolof  language  is  called   because  Africans have lost

          northward across the Sahara in     “Dakar.” Despite its current       their connection to the beauty,
          the time of the Pharaohs. While    spread, this species is far from   nutrition and ability of these
          today India, Japan, and many       fully exploited, and it could      fruits to save the continent from

          other countries have greatly       become an even greater tree in     the so-called food insecurity.
          improved,    locally   selected    the tropics, notably including     We have embraced foreign
          varieties, the full wealth of the   countries within the boundaries   fruits and abandoned the very
          species’ diversity was not only    of its home continent.             indigenous  African fruits that
          left behind, it was forgotten,                                        were tailored to our nutritional

          and remains to this day largely    10. Watermelon                     needs.
          untapped.  Who knows what          Other       than      botanists,
          kinds of 21st-century melons       few    people   consider   that    To show you how much we

          can  be  developed  by  finally    watermelon (Citrullus lanatus,     have lost connection with our
          utilizing the “lost” half of this   Cucurbitaceae)    is    indeed    indigenous fruits, ask yourself,
          fruit’s heritage?                  African.   Yet    this   crop’s    when was the last time Tamarind
                                             wild ancestors are scattered       came to your mind when you
          9. Tamarind                        abundantly  across  the  dry       were planning to go shopping?

          Throughout       the     tropics   wastes of the continent’s semi-    That’s    how      deep     our
          tamarind (Tamarindus indica,       arid southern hinterland.  The     disconnection from our African
          Leguminosae)           provides    ancestral  genes to be  found  in   crops is. But we can make

          an attractive backdrop to          the wild and tended watermelons    changes. We can start now.
          roadsides,  fields,  and  markets   bespeckling millions of hectares
          from the East Indies to the        in countries  such  as  Botswana

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