Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 52


          basic hermetic maxims, axioms,     Correspondence                     Imagine what would happen if

          and precepts, which were passed    AS ABOVE  SO  BELOW: AS            the average person on the street
          from teacher to student, which     BELOW, SO ABOVE.                   were manifesting his thoughts
          is called the “Kyballion”.         This famous aphorism was           instantly as Sai Baba does.

                                             created by Hermes.  What this      If he had a negative thought
          These seven Hermetic principles    law means is that the thoughts     about someone at this level
          are the basis for the entire field   and images that we hold in our   of vibration it might actually
          of Hermetic philosophy.            conscious and subconscious         physically kill this person.
                                             mind will manifest its mirror      Imagine what all the negative

          The Principle of Mentalism         likeness   in    our   external    thoughts and emotions would
          THE  ALL IS MIND;  THE             circumstance.  The outer world     instantly do to one’s health. For
          UNIVERSE IS MENTAL.                is a mirror of our inner world. If   most of us it is a good thing

          This principle embodies the        we hold thoughts of poverty we     that things don’t manifest that
          understanding that everything      will have no money. If we hold     quickly yet, or we would be in a
          in the universe is created         thoughts and images of lack of     lot of trouble. The higher we go
          by thought or mind.  There         good health, this will  manifest   in vibration and initiation, the
          is nothing that exists in the      within our physical bodies.        quicker your manifestation of

          material universe where this is                                       your  thoughts  will  occur.  That
          not the case.                      The thoughts and images we         is why the spiritual path at these
                                             hold in our mind will attract their   higher levels has been called

          The great Edgar Cayce, in his      physical likeness to us in our     the straight and narrow path,
          Universal Mind channelings,        external circumstance. This law    and is visualized like a pyramid
          would over and over again say      works unceasingly for the good     that gets narrower as you move
          “thoughts are things”. The entire   or the bad. By understanding      towards the apex.
          universe was created by the        this  law  we  can  use  it  for  our

          thought of God.  We, as God’s      benefit instead of our detriment.   The Principle of Vibration
          sons and daughters, create  our    The most profound application      NOTHING RESTS;
          reality both metaphysically and    of this law is seen in the life of   EVERYTHING MOVES;

          physically by the power of our     Sathya Sai Baba.  Whatever he      EVERYTHING VIBRATES.
          minds. The great law of spiritual   thinks instantly manifests, even   This principle explains the
          psychology  is  that  it  is  our   on a material level. He creates   difference between the different
          thought that create our reality.   physical objects with the wave     manifestations of matter and
          Everything that exists is spirit.   of his hand, and he says he       spirit. From pure spirit all the

          Matter  is  just  densified  spirit.   does this by just thinking and   way down to the grossest level
          Spirit is just refined matter. All   imaging upon what he wants       of matter is a continuum of
          is just energy.                    to create. This is the same law    varying degrees of vibration.

                                             just sped up. Earth is a school    Every atom and molecule is
                                             for practicing these laws of       vibrating in a certain motion,
          The Principle of                   mind and spiritual control.        speed, vibration, and frequency.

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