Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 56
of them are transcended. The attend this school called Earth spiritual planes. Father God
Masters obey the causation life, except for service to our and Mother Earth, Yin types
of the higher planes, but they brothers and sisters who have of emotions and yang types of
help to rule them on their own not learned these lessons. emotions. Yin types of thoughts
plane. At each level of initiation In summary, be the cause, be and more yang type of thoughts.
one goes up another plane of the master, be the co-creator The key point here is that
consciousness, and hence, can with God that you truly are, and the spiritual path is the path
even become a greater cause. then you are using this law and of balance and integration.
principle instead of allowing Buddha called this the middle
The key for most people of the it to use you. If you are not a way. He demonstrated that the
earth plane is to gain mastery master, you are a victim. This is path to God was not the path of
over your mind, which will lead the law of polarity. Change your self indulgence or asceticism.
to mastery over your emotions polarization with the power of It is the path of balancing the
and desires, and also mastery mind and the power of your male and female aspects within
over your physical body and God given free choice. self and also balancing the
appetites. Djwhal Khul has heavenly and earthly aspects
called this mastery over your The Principle of Gender within self. The spiritual path is
three lower vehicles (physical, EVERYTHING HAS also the balancing of the three
astral, mental bodies). ITS MASCULINE AND minds, the four bodies, and the
The basic cause of your life FEMININE PRINCIPLES; seven chakras. It is also the
are the thoughts and images GENDER MANIFESTS proper balance between the soul
you hold in your conscious ON ALL PLANES.” – THE and the ego. This is done by
and subconscious mind. By KYBALLION transcending negative ego, and
learning to be absolutely hence, keeping the ego in its
vigilant and only allowing into Everything has a yin and proper balance and relationship
your mind thoughts of God, yang. On the physical plane to soul, which is to let it take
love, perfection, perfect health, each person has a male or care of the physical body, but
prosperity, joy, oneness, and female physical body, however not interpret your life.
equanimity, then this is all you psychologically each person
will create both inwardly and is androgenous with male and As mastery is achieved this
outwardly. For your thoughts female qualities. Each person balanced state becomes more
cause your reality. has a left brain and right brain. habitual and won’t take as much
work, time, and energy to try and
Your thinking must be In Chinese philosophy, the stay in balance. This is achieved
subservient to your soul and physical foods a person eats are by “knowing thyself”, and
monad (spirit), instead of your divided into yin foods and yang understanding these universal
lower self and negative ego. foods. This law not only applies laws and balances that govern
When these lessons are mastered on the physical plane, but also our being. To know God, we
then there really is no reason to on the emotional, mental and must understand God’s laws.
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