Page 55 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 55
indifference, even mindedness, becomes transcended. Whether This is because there are seven
equanimity, inner peace, joy, you are on an emotional roller dimensions of reality in which
unceasing happiness and bliss. coaster or even minded and have causation can occur. As Edgar
This is best explained by unceasing equanimity and joy is Cayce said, over and over again
Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, determined by your attitude and in his Universal Mind readings,
which is the same teaching of the polarization of your mind. “Every jot and tittle of the law
the Hermetists. The idea is to This is why the understanding is fulfilled.” No one escapes
stay even minded, whether you of these principles are so anything, even though it may
have profit or loss, pleasure or important. appear like some people are, in
pain, sickness or health, victory All suffering comes from one’s truth, they are not.
or defeat, rejection or praise. attachments, and wrong points The Hermetists understand the
This is just a matter of where you of view. art of rising above the ordinary
polarize your mind and state of plane of cause and effect, to a
consciousness. There is a point The Principle of Cause and certain degree. They do this
of neutrality or objectivity, or Effect by rising to a high plane of
divine detachment, that is not EVERY CAUSE HAS consciousness and, hence,
caught up in the pendulum ITS EFFECT; EVERY becoming masters instead of
swing between these rhythms EFFECT HAS ITS CAUSE; victims, and causes instead of
and polarities. EVERYTHING HAPPENS effects.
There is a state of consciousness CHANCE IS BUT A The average person on the street
called God consciousness where NAME FOR LAW NOT is an effect, not a cause. They are
you don’t have to have a bad RECOGNIZED’ THERE an effect and victim of thoughts,
day. At the highest application ARE MANY PLANES moods, emotions, desire,
of the use of this principle of OF CAUSATION, BUT appetites, lower self, other
neutrality, it is even applied into NOTHING ESCAPES THE people, biorhythms, the physical
the physical body as well, for LAW. body, past lives, subconscious
example, Sai Baba never sleeps. programming, heredity, the
He doesn’t need food. He never There are no accidents in weather, astrological influences,
gets tired. He can bilocate and the universe. Everything vital forces, disincarnate spirits,
be at two places at the same in the universe is governed glamour, maya, illusion, and
time. by laws. There are physical the environment, to name a
laws, emotional laws, mental few. The Master rises above
This is the Ascended state of laws, and spiritual laws. By and has a great deal of mastery
consciousness, when the monad understanding these laws we over these things the higher one
or spirit merges completely can learn to operate in grace evolves.
with the physical vehicle as instead of karma. Many times
well, and the physical body is we don’t know the cause for By the time of the sixth
turned into Light. The duality the reason things happen to us. initiation and ascension, all