Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 60


          the shadow of death to envelop     shows compassion and pity          will not even have memory

          existence is not worthy of         towards others. Numerous are       of virtue unless as our social
          recognition. Hope is crucial for   those who try to find a fraction   narratives are composed
          posterity and continuation of      of solace, and charity is          of praises to evil. The U.S.

          our life – a virtue indeed!        needed. Thus, it is a real virtue   diplomat and scholar, George
                                             to be charitable.                  F. Kennan (1904 - 2005) in
          The final virtue we are left                                          his work, Russia and the West
          with is charity. The acclaimed     Being conscious of all the         under Lenin and Stalin wrote,
          psychologist, Abraham              aforementioned points, though      “If we are to regard ourselves

          Maslow in the hierarchy of         I fear it is not elaborate         as a grown-up nation...we
          human needs and development        enough, we should aspire to        must, as the Biblical phrase
          places self-realization as the     make the Seven Virtues part        goes, put away childish

          highest stage characterized by     of our existence. Once again,      things...self-idealization and
          benevolence towards others         I say being virtuous is not just   the search for absolutes in
          and a greater cause. It is not     for eternal life but also for      world affairs: absolute security,
          odd to see the affluent giving     realizing a heaven on earth.       absolute amity, absolute
          away their possession to                                              harmony.”

          charity. I doubt if there is a     Now we have reached the point
          better source of serenity than     where we have to examine           We must rationally question
          realizing that you have reached    the current state of affairs,      everything and predict the

          a stage in your life to bring      specifically to scrutinize how     future awaiting us. It is only
          happiness to others and make       these sins and virtues are         then that we can realize the
          the world a better place. Some     deemed by the populous. I feel     necessity of the Seven Virtues
          try to delay charity by attaching   as though a drastic alteration    to our solitary and collective
          it to material richness. I think   has seized our mind to the         existence. I will take my

          this is a wrong assumption.        point of utterly reversing our     departure with the words of the
          Charity is not bound by            values. Virtue is on exile and     Chinese writer and poet Han
          poverty, race, religion or any     an evil tyrant has reigned. We     Yu (768 - 824), “The seven

          other stereotype. We should        have managed to change the         constituents of emotional
          have humanity to see ourselves     connotation of our words.          make-up are: joy, anger,
          in the face of any human                                              sorrow, fear, love, hatred,
          beings; embrace all with a heart   The virtuous has become            and desire. A man of superior
          of gold. I heard once from         synonymous with the foolish,       emotional make-up will display

          the words of an Auschwitz          while the immoral has become       these emotions in a balanced
          holocaust survival – everyone      equivalent to the creative         manner.”
          has the power to bring light or    and agile. We cannot have a

          happiness to others no matter      bright future individually and
          how small. So I think charity      societally if we go along this
          can simply be a gesture that       road. Generations to come

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