Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 62


                                                                                and  India  have  managed  to
                                                                                use their populations and their
              “Africa is one continent, one people, and one nation. The         technological skills to penetrate

            notion that in order to have a nation it is necessary for there     every  global  sector  and  have
            to be a common language, a common territory and common              become the major faces of
             culture has failed to stand the test of time or the scrutiny of    these sectors. Then the question
              scientific definition of objective reality… The community         became “But why is that?”

             of economic life is the major feature within a nation, and it
             is the economy which holds together the people living in a         We pondered  the  topic  and
             territory. It is on this basis that the new Africans recognise     then concluded that even
            themselves as potentially one nation, whose dominion is the         though China and India have

                    entire African continent” – Kwame Nkrumah
                                                                                the same  population as Africa,
                                                                                they  are  not  divided  into  fifty-
                s we prepared for this       of the mobile providers has an     five  nations  bearing  fifty-five

          Aissue of the magazine,            advert running at this AFCON       different ideologies as we have
          somewhere at the back of my        that talks about the idea of       in Africa. In other words, one of
          mind, the name Côte d’Ivoire       unity  and  connectedness  of  all   the major problems with Africa
          kept popping up. But I had not     Africans. Obviously, they are      is her disunity and lack of a

          a single thing to write about      simply making the push for         clear and single purpose.
          Côte  d’Ivoire. It just was  not   their service, but that appears to
          connecting, but the thought        be the reason why Côte d’Ivoire    The truth is that a disunited
          about    Côte    d’Ivoire   just   was brought to my attention        Africa is a disoriented and

          wouldn’t leave. After a while, I   with such intensity.  The unity    ineffective  Africa  and  this  we
          started seeing various Facebook    and connectedness of purpose       have seen for many decades
          posts talking about the AFCON      of all Africans and how critical   now.
          Football   tournament     going    it is for our next push towards

          on in Ivory Coast. It was then     TRUE independence.                 When you look at the political
          I started paying attention to                                         and     economic     landscape
          the promptings in my mind          About ten days before this issue   globally, every government of
          regarding writing about Côte       was published, and while the       the world seems to have a plan

          d’Ivoire. By the way, I am not a   AFCON was  still  going on,        for  Africa  which  they  happily
          fan of football, just so you don’t   my family and I had gone out     share at conferences held at
          think this is about football.      for a walk in the neighborhood.    five-star  hotels.  But  have  you
                                             As  we  walked,  my  wife  and  I   asked yourself what is Africa’s

          One thing about football, across   started talking about India and    plan for Africa and the world? It
          the world, and in  Africa is       China and how both countries       does not exist in reality, maybe
          that it brings people together     have similar populations to the    on paper. And what this means
          around a common activity,          continent of Africa. I think we    is that you cannot have an

          conversation, and passion. One     were talking about how China
                                                                                African unity without having an

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