Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 67


                                             love by reducing it to material    short? Do they stand with you

                                             expressions on a specific          through every circumstance?
                                             day? Must love be defined by       That is the true sign of
                                             expensive gifts or elaborate       love. Even if you do not get

         Mercy Omari Chege                   gestures? What really is love      the gift you want on this
    is an Author, Media professional and Coun-  and how is it expressed?        commercialized day, consider
    seling psychologist, who intertwines her love for                           all these other factors over the
    communication with a commitment to empow-  I pondered how our               other 364 and a quarter days
     ering individuals. She can be reached with:  grandparents expressed love in   you are together. Love is much
                                             a simpler time. In many African    more than a gift on Valentine’s
                                             societies, love was conveyed       Day.
          discovered and executed on         through poetic gestures,
          February 14th. Another legend      heroism, and traditional songs     For those not in a relationship
          portrays him as a sympathetic      and dances. It felt organic,       or experiencing the pain of a

          figure helping Christians          rooted in culture. Perhaps, love   recent breakup, Valentine’s
          escape Roman prisons. As           is expressed according to the      Day can be triggering. It serves
          Africans, we sometimes find        cultural norms of the day.         as a reminder of what is absent
          ourselves adopting traditions      In contemplating the essence       or lost. To you, I extend wishes
          without fully understanding        of love, the timeless definition   for self-care, self-love, and the

          their roots, perhaps influenced    from 1st Corinthians 13 comes      embrace of loved ones during
          by what we’ve seen in movies.      to mind.                           this potentially triggering day.
          I remember one Valentine’s         “Love is patient and kind.         In conclusion, let this February

          Eve when my husband came           Love is not jealous or boastful    be a celebration of love that
          home late from shopping for a      or proud or rude. It does not      transcends material expressions
          gift; he narrated the chaos in     demand its own way. It is not      and societal expectations.
          the Central Business District      irritable, and it keeps no record
          of Nairobi as men scurried like    of being wronged. It does not      Love is not a one-day affair;

          headless chickens, desperately     rejoice about injustice but        it’s a journey woven through
          seeking the perfect gift (poor     rejoices whenever the truth        the fabric of each day. So, as
          last-minute shoppers). The         wins out. Love never gives up,     you navigate the intricacies of

          pressure was palpable, fueled      never loses faith, is always       expressing love, remember:
          by the fear of facing the          hopeful, and endures through       love is not a transaction; it’s
          consequences of not meeting        every circumstance.”               a heartfelt connection, it is a
          the societal expectations of this                                     choice and it is often a verb.
          day of love.                       Is your partner patient with       Disclaimer: Should you not get

                                             you? Are they kind? Are they       a gift for your loved one after
          This got me thinking, is           there to listen to you and cheer   conviction over this article,
          Valentine’s Day becoming a         you on? Does your partner          all consequences are solely on

          burden? Are we cheapening          forgive you when you fall          you.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 24 | FEBRUARY 2024     67
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