Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 63


          African purpose or vision. Unity   Your ideology about what it        of Africa is right in the hands

          is useless without a purpose to    means to be an African is the      of every  African. So, with a
          be united for. But purpose also    foundation for our unity. It is    conscious digging around in our
          cannot be created if we do not     the reason why, when you are       hearts and a coming together

          come together in unity to create   given the opportunity to study     of like-minds,  Africa will rise
          it. So, it’s a two-way thing that   at Oxford University, you will    to the peak of its purpose in no
          must be in constant balance.       choose to go to a university in    time.
                                             Rwanda or Nigeria or in South
          As you read this, you may          Africa.                            Unity in football

          wonder how we will create
          an African unity if there is no    To take it further, when you       Like I have already said, I am
          particular African purpose upon    sit together with your creative    not a fan of football so I don’t

          which the unity will rest.         friends and you talk about         watch it much but what I can
                                             innovation, art, sports, cuisines,   tell you is that, if Africans can
          For starters, it begins with our   or just anything, what is your     come together in unity to get
          ideology  of what  it  means for   general mindset about the          something done for  Africa
          you to be an  African. Simply      Motherland     called   Africa?    just the same way they do for

          put, what does Africa and your     Is it that of a backward and       football,  Africa would have
          African-ness represent in your     forgotten place that you will run   become the greatest of all places
          mind when you make decisions       away from if given a minute’s      to be. How is it possible that

          and choices about your personal    notice to do so? Or is it a place   we come together to plan and
          life in relation to the growth and   that triggers new thoughts in    play football for trophies that
          emancipation of Africa?            you and for which you will do      will be thrown in the dustbin at
                                             all to create the solutions for her   some point, but we can’t come
          Young Africans                     problems?                          together to create a working

                                                                                system for the economic and
          For younger  Africans, what        The truth is that the unity of     social life of Africans?
          this means is that, for example,   Africa and by extension, the

          when you create or innovate        purpose of Africa is not within    Prayer for Côte d’Ivoire
          new technology that could          the  African Union building in
          revolutionize the world and        Addis Ababa (unfortunately the     I pray that as we have come
          create massive change in           building was built and donated     together in unity using football
          Africa, did you do it because      by the Chinese government to       as a binding force, Côte d’Ivoire

          you want to sell it for millions   the AU) nor can it be accurately   will rise to be a major binding
          of dollars to the money-bags       captured in the policies of the    force for the unity of Africa and
          of Silicon  Valley or so that      African Heads of State and         the prosperity of  Africans. Be

          you can contribute to the true     Government.  The purpose of        highly blessed Côte d’Ivoire
          emancipation and progress of       Africa is written in the DNA       and may you be a shining light
          Africa? That is where it begins.   of every African and the unity     in Africa.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 24 | FEBRUARY 2024     63
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