Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 66


          The True Essence of Love -


              f you have ever worked         read somewhere that if you         love is best expressed through
              in media or sales, you         are not paying for something,      purchased gifts or luxurious
          Iknow that many marketing          you are the product. Think         holidays. But is this truly the

          campaigns revolve around           about it; we often join social     essence of love, or have we
          holidays. There is always a        media platforms for free, but      allowed external pressures to
          plan to push products centered     in reality, our data is being      redefine it?
          around the different holiday       collected and used to target
          seasons. After Christmas is        advertisements.                    The origin of Valentine’s Day

          over, and even before the                                             is not clear. A quick scout
          Christmas trees and décor have     Valentine’s Day, set on            through the internet shows that
          been put away, the new push        February 14th, has evolved into    it is associated with various

          for sales and advertisements       a day marked by the exchange       legends. One popular theory
          focuses on back-to-school          of cards, flowers, and gifts. It’s   involves a Christian martyr
          products, followed by              a time when social media feeds     named Saint Valentine, who
          Valentine’s Day products, and      flood with images of grand         defied a Roman emperor’s
          the list continues.                gestures of love. However,         decree against marriages

          Everything has become              behind the glossy veneer lies a    for young men. Valentine
          commercialized, and there is       thriving season for businesses     continued to perform marriages
          often nothing for free. I once     that propagate the notion that     in secret and was eventually

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