Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 53


          It is the combination of these     the lower self, or negative ego.   totally relative to one’s body

          frequencies that determine the     Each of the seven initiations is   type and individual preference.
          form of any given object, be it    a higher level of vibration and    This same principle applies to
          of a physical or metaphysical      motion.                            all pairs of opposites, light and

          nature. Everything is in motion,                                      dark, large and small, hard and
          and is vibrating, and nothing is                                      soft, positive and negative.
          at rest. Even a physical object,   The Principle of Polarity          The same principle also applies
          as for example a chair, is really   EVERYTHING IS DUAL;               on the mental plane of reality.
          in a state of motion. The atom,    EVERYTHING HAS POLES;              Take, for example, love and

          and electrons are vibrating, and   EVERYTHING HAS ITS                 hate.  They are the same thing
          there is space between these       PAIR OF OPPOSITES; LIKE            but  different  degrees.  The
          atoms and molecules. This is       AND UNLIKE ARE THE                 importance of this law comes

          true of the atom as it is true     SAME; OPPOSITES ARE                in the understanding of one’s
          of the solar system, galaxy,       IDENTICAL IN NATURE,               ability to transmute and change
          universe, and super universes.     BUT DIFFERENT IN                   the vibrations from one extreme
          For the omniverse is nothing       DEGREE; EXTREMES                   to another. This, in reality, is the
          more than a large atom. As         MEET; ALL TRUTHS, ARE              study of alchemy.

          above so below.                    BUT HALF-TRUTHS; ALL
                                             PARADOXES MAY BE                   The alchemists of the middle
          Sai Baba can take a physical       RECONCILED                         ages  were preoccupied  in

          object and transform it into                                          changing base metals into gold.
          a new object in a physical         This is a fascinating principle    This  is  possible  as  Sai  Baba
          sense by just changing this        and law.  Take, for example,       demonstrates so clearly and
          motion. We do the same thing,      heat and cold. Though they are     instantly. However the real
          for example, with our bodies       opposites they are really the      meaning of this comes in the

          by how we think. The entire        same thing. It is merely a matter   understanding of changing one’s
          universe is in a state of motion   of degree.  The same could be      base thoughts and emotions into
          evolving about the great central   said of spirit and matter. They    spiritual gold or soul realized

          sun.                               are really the same thing. They    energies.
          Every atom is a mini-universe      could be likened to water.
          within  every  molecule  of  our   Freeze water and it becomes        Hate can be transformed by the
          physical bodies. How we think      ice (matter). Boil water and       power  of  your  mind  into  love
          will manifest our feelings,        it evaporates and becomes          (gold). Your lower self can be

          emotions, action, health, and      gaseous fumes (spirit). They are   transformed  into  your higher
          what we attract to ourselves       identical in nature, but different   self.  Your physical body can
          because      energy     follows    in degrees.                        be transformed into your light

          thought.  The ideal is to create   If you look at a thermometer       body (ascension). Separation
          a motion that is determined by     where does heat terminate and      can be turned into oneness.
          your Higher Self, rather than by   cold begin? In actuality it is     Guidance by your negative ego

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