Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 62


                                                                                very short time.
                                                                                You will notice, in this issue of
               Third World is a state of the mind and until we change our       the magazine, that we have more

             attitude as Africans, if there is a fourth, fifth and even sixth   voices  from  Zimbabwe  who
                  world, we will be in it. ― Patrice L.O. Lumumba
                                                                                have joined us in the movement
                                                                                to see a better Africa and this
            I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the
             mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the   makes us very proud that Africa
             flowers, the seas and the ever-changing seasons that define the    shall surely be great again.
                       face of our native land. – Thabo Mbeki.

                                                                                Zimbabwe for us has become
                                                                                a  shining  beacon  of  hope  for

                                                                                Africa. It  gives  joy  to  see
                                                                                our    Zimbabwean       brother
                  he change we need          According to data from the AU,     Rutendo Matinyarare take the

                  in  Africa will not        by 2030, young  Africans are       battle  against  GMOs  fighting
         Tnecessarily come from              expected to make up 42 per cent    for the health of the  African
          African leaders, but it can be     of the world’s youth and account   people to the very doorstep
          given a face by them. The truth    for 75 per cent of those under     of those distributing the evil

          is  that  the  unity  and  greatness   the age of 35 in Africa.   That   in the continent. It pleases
          of Africa and, by extension, the   number, for me, is a powerhouse    the  heart  to  hear  of  guys  like
          purpose of Africa is not within    of unimaginable things that can    Maponga Joshua reshaping
          the  African Union building in     happen in this continent and the   cultural  and  social  narratives

          Addis Ababa (unfortunately the     world, if only we go  forward      while giving some freshness to
          building was built and donated     united by a common purpose.        African spirituality. Talk about
          by the Chinese government to                                          Zimbabwe’s  prolific  inventor
          the AU) nor can it be accurately   The greatness of Africa is not     Maxwell  Chikumbutso  who

          captured in the national policies   just found in the historical      developed  a  cordless  powered
          of the African heads of state and   antecedents of the ancient past   television set. His  TV is
          government.  The purpose of        but also much more found in        powered by a radio frequency
          Africa is written in the DNA of    the minds of the Africans, both    (RF) device called an MSED.

          every African and the greatness    young and old, who are giving      And the list of such amazing
          of Africa is right in the hands    their best to change and redirect   Zimbabweans is getting longer
          of every  African. So, with a      the narrative of the  African      and it’s such a beauty to behold.
          conscious ploughing of our         people.  There is a massive

          hearts and a coming together       awakening of minds in  Africa      When the  news of Maxwell’s
          of like minds,  Africa will rise   and if both the people and their   cordless  TV came out, we
          to the peak of its purpose in no   governments can come together      reached out to him for an
          time.                              in unity, then the sky will be a   interview which we were to

                                             stepping stone for  Africa in a
                                                                                have but somehow, we lost

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